A New Moon Look till Mid-Week…
Launching the week with a Leo NEW MOON!
I am available until 1pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.
Monday starts out busy, with a Leo New Moon initiating the week and harmonies along with Jupiter and Mars. This is the time to get things done at work, during late Summer before the Fall rush of kids back to school, cooler weather setting in & the holidays once again begin. You will encounter the usual blockages by those who fear change and growth, but don’t let that stop you, or cause you to fail. As long as your plans are in the best interests of your business you should proceed. Romantic life is another story. This is not the day or week that your love life is “going places.” The status quo is ‘Golden”. Give it time. Love is like growing a garden — it takes tending & patience.
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Live could throw you a few curve balls tomorrow, Tuesday with tension crackling in the air. Pluto, planet of transformation, appears four times — squaring off with Venus, showing tension with the Sun, and a mixed bag with the Moon. Emotionally, this can leave you feeling that something’s going to happen, and you could feel as that you don’t have a handle on it. Pray and meditate on this — spiritual guidance is in order. Asking yourself “What’s bothering you about your love life?” You will need to solve your inner questions, doubts & insecurities this before you can move forward. Listen carefully to what your “emotional intelligence” is telling you. Gut hunches and instinct along with patterns, both yours & his/hers, will tell you more, this week, than what actually meets the eye.
At midweek, we find just one celestial aspect in focus on Wednesday. The Moon (Emotions) is working in conjunction with Mercury (Communication). This is a good opening for you to work things out with those around you in the workplace, and with your loved ones at home. When you feel you can talk to somebody, (and they hear you) it truly makes all the difference in the world. Practice & listening well. Most people simply wait to speak up (due to fear) and key information is missed in the mutual communication that could help you (everyone) learn about what they need from colleagues and friends, that could foster overall success. Often a complaint in relationships is that he or she “doesn’t listen.” Are you a good or wise listener? You will learn much this week, if you are able to simply ‘shut up & listen’ rather than think or believe you know it all—-choosing to talk more than listen. Balance is best this week in all communications. ~
Make your New Moon wish, today!
See your dreams become reality by next month’s new moon!
Aloha blessings & love,