A Means to an End


reetings – Tuesday – August 17th., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.
An important time of gathering information vs. taking immediate action, stick to the facts. Your most important resource to a beneficial & abundant future is how you go about developing the right relationships, based on the personalities you’re working with. Make your words productive, fostering a future action. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Due to the Neptune influence, there is a tendency to cling to fantasy vs. sticking to the facts.

Walking by faith is great, but what are you putting your faith into? And whom? If it’s people whom you are depending on, then look at the fruit that the person or people whom you are dependent, before you trust that they will come thru for you. If their history is all talk & little or no action, then you’re likely to be disappointed.

Today could be difficult to concentrate, focus or stay on track due to crazy distractions that are definitely outside of your normal routine. The key is to have a plan and make sure that ‘your plan’ is executed in a manner that will bring you more of what you want, then less.

Relationship tip of the Day: You want to break up… but don’t know how to go about it, what to say, what to do, perhaps you just shut down? Don’t shut down or attempt escape, this only prolongs the agony. The key is to be honest, upfront, state that you think it’s time you break up—to avoid giving false hope that you want or can work things out.

Use ” I ” statements, and rather than I want to break up because “YOU” do this, that and the other. You’re not breaking up due to ‘what s/he did’, you are breaking up because you are making the choice to do so bc you are unhappy.  If you’re in this situation, give me a call, together we’ll find the best solution and communication to end your relationship appropriately, and with as little drama as possible.

Enjoy your day.
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija