Cohesive Cosmic Connections
Cosmic Highlights Monday July 19th thru Wednesday July 21st
Saturn returns to Libra, Wednesday—Big Day for all!!
Today I am available between 8am & Noon., pacific & then again this
evening between 7pm & 11pm., pacific.
The week jumps to a start on Monday with some tension in the air. Jupiter (growth), and Mercury (Communication) play multiple roles as does Pluto (transformation). A communication block may be preventing you from a move forward. To get to the root of this, double-check the feelings you have about growth. What is causing you stress and why? Pluto is there to help you make progress when you get over any emotional tension and use good communication skills, including listening well (not waiting to talk), to get to the root of the matter.
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The Moon (emotions) plays a key role on Tuesday, squaring off with Chiron and Neptune, but dancing in harmony with Uranus, Saturn, the Sun and Mars. What is the source of the Spiritual blockage? What is preventing you from feeling good about one aspect of your life? Work on that. Use creative ideas, within bounds, to take action to address conflicts — you have the power. Keep your emotions balanced and things will work out fine.
Midweek brings energies which work to give you an opportunity to grow in your romantic relationship on Wednesday. Remember that some boundaries are healthy in relationships (ie. giving each other space), and others are not good (ie. shutting each other out). It’s worth it to spend some time on this today — as you know, relationships take work, & compromise, but the rewards are great. The important thing is to strike the right balance between holding principles that allow your love to grow, and being too restrictive. Flexibility vs rigidity, and being willing to exhibit courage in matters of the heart.
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Aloha blessings,