Words: The Seeds to Feelings


Greetings – Monday – May 24th., 2010
I am available today until 1pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 6pm & 10pm., pacific.

Grace, compassion & imagination is Monday’s theme via the Moon, Mars & Neptune. Yet, how do we actually express & communicate those three expressions, each to the other? Words are the seeds to feelings. What we ‘say’ & ‘how’ we say all that we say, or ‘not’ …each to the other is significant in the type of relationships we build, entertain & enjoy, each with the other.

It’s important to keep in mind the intent of your introduction. Is the introduction professional or personal or potentially romantic? How do you want to come across to the person whom you are meeting for the first time? First impressions are important, setting the stage for further relational development — based on how both people ‘perceived the other’ during the introduction. When initially meeting someone, how you choose to behave & express yourself, will determine how the other person perceives you—allowing a platform for further interaction.

Words are the seeds to feelings throughout your relationship, therefore, remember in your communications to speak to others the way you’d desire to be spoken to. Oftentimes we choose to communicate in a way that fosters miscommunication.  If what you are seeking is to be spoken to warmly, honestly & directly, then be sure that you do the same, avoiding any & all games.

The emotional texture of your words, the tone of your voice & the inflection, tone & tempo, will indeed bring you what you want, or more of what you don’t want. Check your speech patterns, the words you choose & the context you are choosing to use the words you choose. Do you come across angry, frustrated, stressed, emotionally fed up, exhausted, sad, coy, vague, judgmental, condescending, flip, indirect, rude, or arrogant? If so, that could be the precise reason you are experiencing relational difficulty, regardless of the type of relationship you’re entertaining, whether it’s platonic, close friendship, business, or romantic.

Today is the perfect day to take a long look at yourself & how you communicate, seeding a foundation to bring you more happiness, joy & balance within all your relationships.

Enjoy your Monday—give me a call, together let’s take a look at how you are communicating, whether with someone else or with yourself. It’s all about what you want & what you’re getting out of your relationships. Let’s make it better, Now!

Aloha blessings,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija