Wknd Update, Saturday, May 1st., 2010 Celebrate May Day!


Wknd Update – Saturday – May 1st., 2010 Happy May Day!!
I am available today Only until 4pm., pacific.
No late evening hours.

The cosmic influences give us a bit of a reprieve today where we notice fewer mood swings, less anxiety, & overall feelings of mellow contentment as this glorious Saturday unfolds. Boring? Hardly! As you’ve probably already noticed,
plans are still interrupted (Mercury Retro still in full swing) & we resort to plan B to take care of things, efficiently. How is it that we all stay so busy? I do have a personal take on this, & it has to do with ‘materialism & possessions’. Not that having or owning things is bad, wrong or otherwise. Possessions are fine so long
as they are not interfering with the quality of living your daily life, happily. In other words, it’s important to be a slave to nothing.

Due to the Mercurial cosmic forces that be, all air signs will be affected as will fire signs, to much more of a degree, than perhaps earth or water signs, & particularly so this weekend in looking deeply at ‘their individual happiness’ based on ‘how’ they are choosing to live their lives, & with whom. Some of the questions you’ll ask yourselves this weekend is “What about my life makes me truly happy on a daily basis? What about my life do I enjoy or ‘not’ &/or what in my life can I live with–or NOT? Or better “what or whom” in my life can’t I live without?” These questions will have a huge impact on what you choose to do, create & decide upon this weekend. Wow… what a great time to sort thru all these, what could by this time have become ‘real issues’ that we are all dealing with to some extent or the other by not paying close attention to the consequences of all our actions, words & deeds.

The result of this very busy weekend, is an entire month of sheer bliss in recreating plans, adjusting schedules, purging & recycling, basically recreating a new & improved ‘happier’ life & lifestyle for yourself & those whom you love. Enjoy!!

Call me & together let’s talk about what’s happening or what’s bothering you in your life that needs minor tweaking, providing a major improvement.

Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija