Mother’s Day – The Real Meaning


Greetings – Sunday – May 9th., 2010 
Honoring Mother’s Day …for the right reason.

Do you love your Mother? If you do, tell her that you do by honoring her in some very special way, on her special day. If you don’t love her, take a long look at how you are feeling & why, realizing that regardless of any harsh or difficult feelings you have ‘with or about her’… that without her, you would not have been born. Period.

Remember the fifth commandment: Thou shalt honor thy Mother & thy Father…(Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:2-17 KJV)

Now I am not suggesting that she is perfect, nor that you must overlook your feelings regarding any grievances you & your mother may be working thru or not. What I am suggesting is that you must recognize that without her, you would have never had the opportunity to take your first breath. Hence, your precious life, is in fact, reason enough to honor her life. Period. So please take the time to say, ‘Thank you, Mom’ for giving me Life.

Of course, there are all kinds of issues that mother’s & children endure, suffer & survive during the process of womb to tomb. And they are all unique & individual, & quite difficult, at times. At the same time, it’s important to look at the reality of what the term “Mother” truly means. In reality it means to ‘Give Life’.

On a lighter note, because every woman in this universe is blessed with the gift of a nurturing spirit, to some degree or another, regardless how overly abundant or slight, I am wishing every woman today, a Happy Mother’s Day, regardless whether she’s actually given live birth to a child, or not.

I am available this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.
Enjoy your day, hug a woman & wish her Happy Mother’s Day.

Aloha Blessings & love,
Daija ext. 32452

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Astro Daija