The Bewitching Hour


Greetings – Saturday April 10th. 2010
I am available this evening until 11pm., pacific.
Right now here at the end of this gorgeous day, something magical is about to occur between now and 3am. It is most cosmically significant due to the planetary patterns that be. Whereas this morning you may have experienced a bit more clarity, by this evening, you could be experiencing what feels like utter emotional chaos! But of a very entertaining kind.

Mid to late afternoon it was a wild ride into oblivion— where you forget about what you wanted or were getting ready to do, deciding to go another route, or perhaps switched gears in favor of pursuing something better, different, and perhaps even acting in some ways, out of character.

You’re just having one of those special days when everything you do makes little or no sense, but the outcome fosters something magically delightful, perhaps even delicious. Trying a new eating establishment, drinking a new or different wine, switching up the status quo turns out to be highly favored, you just feel happier & more connected to welcoming change rather than keeping things same.

The midnite hour brings about a nice little treat that ushers in a glowing Sunday morning & delightful day ahead, ‘enjoy’!

Aloha hugs & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija