Order + Balance = JOY!!


Greetings – Tuesday – March 23rd., 2010
I am on today until 2pm., & then again this evening between 7pm &
10pm., pacific.

The things that you count on most, as in the material, spiritual, relational, &/or tangible means of security is what piques your interest & has your utmost attention today. Those areas of special interest or things that you feel are active or present in your life now—that you value most, is what allows you to feel, believe, or experience a sense of peace & contentment.

Today’s planetary influences could foster emotional or security challenges, as well as emotional changes in attitude. Whether you are feeling challenged, anxious, fear, doubt or perhaps threatened in some way, today, you will find the courage to deal with those difficult areas of your life so much more effectively.

It’s possible that you are questioning what exactly it is that truly makes you feel or believe that you are secure? If you are having trouble feeling ‘secure’, then take this time now to examine & evaluate your priorities.

Chances are if you’re unable to experience a sense of security, or feel safe & unburdened, then what you are actually dealing with could be more of a matter of confused priorities.

Everyone needs inspiration, everybody needs a boost from time to time, perhaps a new direction, and perhaps a ‘new view’ into their own lives. In this journey called ‘LIFE’ there is no guarantee, but there is one truth, & that truth is ultimate security rests in your ability to experience the Holy Spirit, where true magic happens in all areas of your life.

When things are not working out the way you ‘want them to’… rather than look at it as ‘something working against you’… look at it as a divine message and opportunity to experience something so much better than you could have ever imagined.

It’s time you experienced another Miracle in your life, & the best part about it, is that today, can be your most miraculous day! Ask & you shall receive. Yeah, it’s that simple! If you’re receiving anything ‘less than that’ then check your words, actions, deeds, because something ‘somewhere’ in your life is out of order.

Call me & together lets talk about what is going on in your life & how you can make things ‘better’ in all areas of your life.

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija