Familiar Choices & Decisions


Greetings – Sunday – March 14th., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific. Gearing up for a perky Pisces New Moon Monday, (tomorrow), we force ourselves into the future today by jumping ahead an hour! Hope you all remembered to spring forward, adding a glorious hour of ‘daylight’ to your day, launching the arrival of ‘Spring’, this coming week!

It’s so beautiful in the morning, when the birds are chirping, the sun is shining,
you’re feeling warmer, better, happier, perhaps in just about every way except
for the strange, weird, far less than exciting relationship you’re in—yet, so uncertain, ‘unsure’ about what to do about it. You feel as though you’re suffocating.
You want to leave but you can’t for some unknown ‘real’ reason, because your head tells you ‘this is not what I want’ but something about it or him/her tells you that you ‘love him/her’… or perhaps it’s your job where you just feel that you don’t fit any longer? But you just can’t bring yourself to make the decision to ‘GO’??

You know you want to…but you just can’t and it’s not so much about the money? But what is it that is keeping you in these less than ‘good for you’ or less than happy relationships?

Sound familiar?

The term *Familiar* is probably the best term to use here because it fits perfectly.
The reason your relationship is not working well, or doesn’t feel quite right & you don’t know why you stay, but you ‘just do’—- is in truth all about being ‘familiar’ & fearing the future of —if you left, would be ‘the unknown’. Shift your focus from Fear to Faith. Hard to do, of course, when dealing with feelings of ‘fear is much more familiar than exhibiting an act of ‘faith’.

The key element in moving from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’ in any situation whether it’s a personal issue that you are dealing with, or perhaps a romantic or professional relationship that is not ‘working’ for you, is to simply make the decision to ‘sit still’ for a moment or two or even several days or a week or two, before making any sudden decisions. Becoming clear is now going to be much easier over the next several weeks & months ahead as Mars (action planet) gets the momentum back in the particular area of your life where Mars is most influential.

If you’re not happy—you are moving on. The question is, ‘moving on to what’?
Call me & lets take a look together to make sure you’re on the right path & successful track.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija