The Right Distraction


Greetings – Sunday – February 7th., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 7pm & 11pm., pacific.

The best part about today is the ability to tune into something else or other than our issues, challenges, burdens, problems. Today is about finding & tuning into the ‘right’ Distraction. The type of distraction from everything that keeps you in turmoil.
Tune into a distraction that will offer you some reprieve, or relief.

Distract yourself from all that ails you, regardless what is bothering you. Whether what ails you is emotional, physical, physiological, psychological, relational, or financial. Redirect & Tune into something that will prosper you, in some specific way. GOD comes to mind! Yeah, it’s Sunday, & Superbowl Sunday, at that. Most of you are probably thinking Wow, now that’s a great distraction. God & Superbowl? Both? OK… true, but Superbowl is temporary. Distracting yourself with GOD is a permanent distraction, one that promises to never be temporary. Focusing on GOD will give you always & forever, eternal distraction from your burdens, challenges, grief & despair. It’s not about finding the right ‘drug’ for your pain, or sporting event, but about opening your Bible & your heart, choosing to ‘listen to the message that GOD is giving you’ about you & your life.

By choosing to focus on ‘GOD’ vs. your circumstances or challenges will indeed prosper, validate, support & save your life. Focusing on GOD is not merely a distraction, or a place to run—-but a place to ‘Rest’, where plans are created & solutions are found, regardless how horrible or dysfunctional your situation is.

Today you’ll find the answer to what you’ve been searching for. The answer to making your life better, easier, happier. And by tuning into GOD, you’ll see things about your life in a loving way, a way that will allow you to know that ‘GOD’ is with you.

Life is not about seeking revenge, or getting even, it’s about LOVE. It’s about truth & love. Being honest with yourself about who you are, and how you’re living, or how you’ve behaved selfishly, or in an unkind or selfish way toward others or toward yourself.

Perhaps you’ve behaved in a way that has perpetuated a situation creating turmoil in your life because you felt sorry for someone? Rather than detach from a relationship that you’ve known is unhealthy, you’ve enabled the relationship to continue by allowing that other person to treat you disrespectfully or unkindly? Ask yourself if you’ve tolerated a less than type of relationship that is perhaps Abusive. Remember that when someone is abusive, detach yourself immediately. Should you reward this behavior it will only continue.

Enjoy your day & evening, celebrate love in every sense of the word.

Daija ext 32452
Geaux Saints!! 🙂

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Astro Daija