The Buried Treasure


Greetings – Thursday – February 4th., 2010
I am available today until 1pm., pacific & then again this evening
 between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

It’s Celebration Thursday with intriguing cosmic forces & influences generating an over all good feeling of global acceptance & love. You just wake up feeling ‘the love’… but from where is this all coming from? It’s just one of those days, accept it, enjoy it, embrace it & be ‘IN IT Totally’. Go get your hair highlighted, nails done, a glorious massage, or just browse your favorite bookstore while sipping a delicious Chocolatty Toffee Latte. One on one exchanges can be a bit tricky due to the Scorpio Moon, generating a bit of overall suspect to what is being communicated, said, written, expressed or verbally exchanged. Deal with it all, & especially with others tactfully. You’ll greatly benefit from your exchanges today, & in a way that will have incredible long term benefits.

Call me today, together we’ll find that missing piece. If you’re investigating a mystery & you’ve not been able to put your finger on why it’s not all adding up, today is your day!! It’s finally the day where you will best be able to put together your clues forming the perfect ‘missing piece to your pondered puzzle’, able to conclude by this evening, exactly what you’ve always wanted to know. Eureka!! Yes, today you’ll express that Ahhh HA!! The moment of arrival, truly the ‘Light bulb’ shines brightest today than perhaps ever before. You’re at peace over this issue, & now you close that chapter, moving on to your next discovery!

Enjoy your day and evening.

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija