Straight Up & Real !!


Greetings – Wednesday – February 24th., 2010
I am available today until 1pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Today’s gorgeous planetary trine (positive aspects lined up) generates good, warm, happy generous feelings allowing you to demonstrate love, affection, kindness, care, compassion & consideration. And the best part about that is how deliciously it will also be returned to you. Could this be a new beginning? Could the two of you be connected in such a way that what you’re sharing is absolutely mutual? WOW! This creates a platform for positive reform, incredible change, emotional honesty, & true expressions of love.  In all your close, connected and personal relationships today, you could very well experience something better than you have ever considered possible. As I like to think and believe, due to what is so cosmically visible, this is certainly a delicious day & week to remember.

On a more casual note—-if you feel, think or believe that the person with whom you’re dating, or considering dating, is possibly a total whack job, then step back, and look carefully at what it is you are possibly thinking &/or believing about this person. You are more right than wrong, if what you are experiencing is more about the behaviors being demonstrated peripherally —-how you notice s/he is treating others personally & professionally, thinking to yourself, well, if s/he treats others this way, then how or why would s/he treat me, differently. Take stock of what you are picking up on &/or noticing. Chances are, what you are seeing, needs to be more closely examined.

Give me a call, together let’s take a closer look together.

Hang in there today—enjoy the blessing of good feelings, and those that you are questionable, let’s talk about them, immediately! Dealing with what you are feeling, sensing, believing, is a way to get to the bottom of  things, set them straight, and move toward your goals.

Enjoy your day!

Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija