Sweet, Sweet Saturday!


Greetings – Saturday – January 9th., 2010
I’m available today until 3pm., pacific time, ONLY!
This afternoon is so much sweeter than this morning! Whatever aggravations you’re experiencing this morning will wane by this evening. You’ll tune into your heart, where feeling more… than thinking, brings about all kinds of warm fuzzies as you move into the evening.

This is an important day for ‘all relationships’ especially those that are romantically driven. To feel —more than ‘think’ now is the key to making that special important ‘connection’ or ‘reconnection’ today,  matter in the most significant way.

Surprises take on a magical aura where your sweet, randy, erotic & playful communication generates all kinds of vivid sentimental ‘passionate’ colour —-where it’s needed most, ‘intimately’. 🙂


Give me a call & let’s talk about your evening plans!

Aloha love & blessings,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija