End Break-up & Divorce


Greetings – Sunday – Jan 17th., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this
evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Just moments ago, the Moon & Chiron kissed in the cosmos offering incredible healing to those who need it most. Forgiveness is what ‘Love’ is all about. And it begins by forgiving yourself, & then asking others to forgive you. Is it easy to humble yourself when you know you’ve been selfish or basically, just a real ‘ass’? Of course not! Is it human nature to more often times than not ‘act out’ in a way that is quite unbecoming, selfish, self-centered & self righteous? Absolutely!

And who are our greatest ‘or best friends’ when we behave in this way? They are those who are ‘not afraid’ bringing our arrogant behaviors to ‘light’ allowing us the opportunity to modify those behaviors, change our ways, ask forgiveness, & enjoy ‘love, peace & joy’ again within the parameters of the relationship. People, that is what a true blue best friend is all about. Not someone who’ll continue to let you behave in a way that is morbidly selfish or ruthless. If you have friends in your life or a boy/girlfriend, husband, or wife who allows you to behave in a way that is unbecoming, or treat you in a way that is emotionally or physically abusive, then that person does not truly care about you, nor do they care about themselves, or anyone else.

When we demonstrate these less than admirable traits or behaviors to someone whom we love, & that person who is the recipient of these unkind, unsightly, bordering abusive behaviors deals with ‘us’ any other way other than emotionally open & ‘honest’ ——then, it is a common theme that both parties will absolutely suffer individually as well as the entire relationship will suffer, manifesting in destruction. Over a period of time, ‘those un-talked about, unidentified or unacknowledged horrid behaviors, poison the relationship.

The people grow apart, and the relationship dies due to the resentment that is fostered between the couple, & within the relational energy, primarily by the receiver or recipient of such negative treatment—–who will eventually ‘act out’ in some specific way, due to feeling neglected, mistreated, dominated, dismissed, uncared for, hurt, burdened, disrespected, and unloved by the person demonstrating the abusive or demeaning behaviors; ultimately creating a mutually destructive pattern of communication, manifesting negative interactions that is absolutely detrimental to each person, individually, as well as the relationship in and of itself.

The damaged interactions & destructive behaviors erode whatever was initially there between the couple, ‘the attraction’ if you will, & these nasty, negative give & take behaviors demonstrated between the couple eventually cause both the giver & receiver to become mutually at fault, ultimately destroying the relationship. This my friend, is the general theme & definition of break up &/or Divorce.

But there is hope & healing. And it begins ‘NOW’ by identifying, accepting & modifying the negative/destructive communication & behaviors that are going on within the relational dynamic. Professional & Spiritual intervention is warranted in this case if your circumstances have gone on for months or years. Once this is determined, then a treatment plan, if you will,can begin, allowing healing to take place, individually as well as relationally.  Enjoy your Sunday & week ahead!

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija