Blocked Intimacy


Greetings – Sunday – January 3rd., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 6pm & 8pm., pacific.

Three days into the New Year, & I think we’re all happy that the holidays are finally over! We’ve all ate & drank enough, partied enough, & some of us have even probably cried enough to float a ship until dooms day! Yeah, it’s one of those ‘seasons’ to be ‘Jolly’ as well as oftentimes, Melancholy’ for some of us. Especially those of us who desire intimacy with that one very ‘special someone’ who is absent from our lives, whether temporarily or permanently. My heart goes out to those of you, who like myself have an emotionally difficult time during the holidays for a variety of reasons, but especially due to the difficult time associated with ‘loss’ of loved ones, or those absent from our lives whom we dearly love. We all made it thru, and so, here we are, ready to dive into this awesome New Year!!

Because it’s Sunday, a day where most of us tune into ‘God’, albeit, in my book everyday is ‘GOD’s Day’, and fortunately we are able to tune into ‘GOD’ everyday of the week & at any time of day! It’s just magical how at any given moment we can truly just TAP IN to GOD by virtue of the HOLY SPIRIT. I know most of you pray or meditate on God’s word, or in some special way you reach out to the Universe, asking, seeking, and desiring ‘that something’ (GOD) bigger than yourself to guide you, teach you, & aid you along your journey in life. And oftentimes you may feel that you keep asking, continue praying, meditating, and seeking, but ‘Nothing Happens’?? I know I’ve experienced that same thing, too in my life, at one particular time or another.  And of course, when we feel that GOD is not answering us, or that our prayers are not being heard/answered, or that we are all alone in our desires, and nothing is happening, it’s time to look at ourselves. The one thing we are to do is —-rather than think that GOD is not hearing us, or listening, or perhaps for some of us, we often times even believe that God could be chastising us or being ‘mean to us’.  . . which is ABSOLUTELY NOT the case, of course. But it definitely is a time where we need to check ‘how we are living’ & see if ‘how we are perhaps living is blocking our spiritual intimacy.

There are three barriers to Spiritual intimacy that will definitely have a huge impact on whether or not your prayers are being answered or not. The first is ‘PRIDE’. Pride keeps us from experiencing the fullness of God in our lives. Letting go of Pride will put us back on our knees, and get your prayers answered.  The second barrier is REBELLION. Have you ever attempted an intimate relationship with your spouse or child, when s/he is exhibiting a rebellion toward you? It’s nearly impossible to get close & connected, intimate with someone who has a rebellious attitude toward you. Are you exhibiting rebellion toward GOD… you want to live your life ‘Your Way’ vs. the “Right Way”. And the third is Impatience.

Relationships take time. Your relationship with GOD is the same way as with other relationships in your life. You must invest time, spending quality, intimate time with GOD, talking to Him & then ‘quietly listening’ to Him. His voice is a very special voice, a voice that is ‘not human’ or reduced to human thought patterns. When you are clear, open & honest with GOD and not prideful, rebellious, or impatient, you will begin to ‘Hear His Voice’. It’s a magical voice that you will experience when your relationship with GOD is ‘Intimate’. You will just know He is there for you and with you walking every step regardless of the pain you are experiencing, just like you know when your BFF or husband/wife loves you, and is there for you, it is same with GOD. And when ya know you’re experiencing —-giving & receiving ‘LOVE’—–it’s intuitive, it’s spiritual, it’s the best experience ever. As I’ve always believed, when ya know, ya know, right?

Enjoy your awesome first Sunday of the NEW YEAR!!

Love & blessings,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija