A Time to Heal Jan-22-2010


Weekend Update – Aloha Friday – January 22nd., 2010
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this
evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Trust Issues prevail creating a host of rigorous communication today into the evening. Romantic relationships are prone to experiencing trust issues when both people are carrying burdensome baggage from a previous relationship.

Fortunately, however, the Moon (emotion) & Neptune (romance & fantasy) foster an influence that captures your ability to be creative in your communication approach, allowing room for ‘benefit of the doubt’ offering a softer, kinder, more gentle interaction, than had you decided to toss all this around yesterday or perhaps earlier in the week. You are tired of how & what you’re feeling, fretting about & dealing with on a daily basis. Truly, it’s time to move on! And move on into something better than ‘ever before’—-and do so either with ‘the one you’re with’… or someone new! But first things first & that is to deal with ‘healing’ YOU.

So how do you avoid carrying that ‘unmatched baggage’ with you into the next relationship? The answer is quite simple, but the process is tedious. And it is a process that takes time, diligence, faith, patience, dedication & commitment. It’s not going to feel ‘good’ to deal with many of the issues that created the fall of your current relationship. By the same token, to carry those unhealed, un-dealt with issues into your new relationship is fatal, & most certainly is not going to feel good
going thru them again.

Therefore, get right with yourself ‘Now’, before you go into a new or another relationship, or even before you possibly even consider reconnecting or reconciling with your ex. The burden & responsibility to ‘Feel, Deal, & Heal’…falls on you to do what you must do in order to give yourself —-& your future partner the opportunity for success, real success. The older we get, the more baggage & burden we have, and the first action step is to look deeply at yourself, taking full responsibility for your actions or ‘inactions’ that led you to where you are. It all begins with acceptance—-once we fully accept who we are, where we are & that we are responsible for ‘where we are’, the healing will automatically begin.

Call me let’s talk about where you are & how to move from the pain you’re in to a more joyful action oriented place where real healing will begin, & relational success can be yours to enjoy with someone whom you love & who also loves you.

Aloha Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija