The Greatest Gift is a RSVP ‘YES’


Greetings – Tuesday – December 8th., 2009
I am available today until 2pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

It’s the holiday season, we are inundated with invitations attempting to decide, pick & choose which parties we are going to, & which ones we ‘have to go to’ and those that we know we need to go to, but would rather take a cold shower than even begin thinking about attending!! Oh… and having to bring a gift, OMG… what to bring? I don’t even want to GOooooo!!                    

R*E*L*A*X …take a deep BREATH!

Most of you know exactly from where I am coming when speaking about such holiday festivities & the go or not go, or make a mere ‘show’ & what to bring, dilemma! The way to get thru this (emotional) challenge is to change your perspective about ‘having to go’ as well as about  ‘the gift’ you choose to give during this ‘holiday season’ of giving. I know you’re thinking, and how does whether or not I go or show up for a party have anything to do with the ‘gift giving’?  It does, I promise you.

The greatest gift you can give someone is not a store bought gift, but the gift of your time or effort, energy or presence in their lives in some specific & special way that is important to them. More often times than not, what will make people happiest is not the gift, but nothing other than simply ‘showing up’…& being there. Period. YOUR PRESENCE… yes, that is your gift, and what will make the greatest gift & impact. Showing up & being present means more to most of us than any tangible or material gift. It means you care about the person, or people.

Now of course there are times when being ‘there’ is just not possible, of course. But if you can be there, Do it, and with a smile. You don’t have to stay long, and you don’t have to worry about bringing the right gift—-YOU ARE THE GIFT, yes, your presence is the ‘all time greatest present of All’… and the gift that will be treasured in a very endearing way, possibly making someone’s dreams come true & in a special way that will matter most to the person or people, for all people involved, & perhaps for the rest of their lives.

Enjoy today & RSVP “YES” right now, to those party & cocktail invitations
you’ve received. You’ll put a huge smile on the faces of those who truly…
love you.

 Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija