A Rockin’ Count Down


Greetings – Wednesday – December 30th., 2009
I am available today until 1pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

The Count down of 2009 into 2010 begins in less than 24 hours, are you ready?
There’s so much to do, think about, prepare & plan for as we rapidly approach this New Year. Tell me what you want! That’s right, rather than keep it a secret, open up, talk about what you want. Share your hopes, plans, dreams, desires with someone who can help you achieve your goals for 2010.

Together let’s take a look at how your stars line up for the upcoming new year. Astrology doesn’t tell you what you’re going to do on Saturday nite, but it does allow you to have an idea of where to put your energy so that you will have the greatest opportunity to accomplish your most important personal, romantic or profession goals.

The best part about looking at your personal prevailing energy, relative to the cosmic forces that be, is that by so doing, you will perhaps avoid or at least work thru prevailing obstacles &/or potential challenges, ultimately reaping your greatest rewards.

Whether your seeking a more spiritually oriented path, or a career change, romantic opportunity, geographic change, new residence, investment, hobby, or new adventure or ‘venture’ of any kind, you’ll be amazed at how there are actually better times than others to entertain such ideas or pursue a particular course, that will allow you the success you’re seeking, & manifesting great desired changes in one or more specific areas of your life.

Today’s cosmic influence is verbally ‘open & engaging’. If you’re needing or desiring to say something to someone with whom you’ve experienced a problem  over monetary issues or arrangements, then today is the day to open up and ‘talk’ about it. Say what you need to say, today. You’ll likely receive a check in the mail, early next year! 🙂

It’s a day of emotional regeneration within where you’ll likely ‘Feel’ a great deal of emotion today, and that emotion will certainly rock your ocean in areas that are currently stealing your joy or challenging you in some specific way. Let’s talk about it, set it straight & prepare to enjoy a Rockin’ New Year’s Eve, Full Blue Moon, Lunar Eclipse!
WOW… now that’s. . . totally Stellar!

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija