‘THE WEDDING DAY’ Truly, Superbowl Day for a Girl!


Greetings – Saturday – Nov 14th., 2009
Available today only until 1pm., pacific…

What a gorgeous day for a ‘Wedding’!! Ahhh, the wedding! The wedding day is truly considered “Superbowl Day” when a girl is about to wed her Knight in Shining Armor. Today is wedding day for several friends and clients, and it’s a day that is filled with stress, (OMG–yes!!) and then again, what is a wedding without stress, I mean, ‘really’?? But it’s the good kind of stress that makes it all worthwhile! The preparation, the rehearsal, the getting dressed, again the stress, the moment when you are prepared to walk that long path to the alter…just knowing that any second you’re going to stumble, fall and rip your dress clean off, laugh, cry, sneeze, faint or just perhaps ‘die’ before the day is over. Then suddenly,
it’s Sunday!

I consider this weekend to be a ‘New Moon’ eve weekend. Today is a day of new beginnings! Today is filled with dreams come true, wedding day blues for grooms… (not really, but maybe…giggle) and most certainly a day for a daydream…come true! What a day for a day dreaming gal! Wishes come true for you today—make it a day to remember, whether you’re getting married or perhaps it’s your first date with that special someone that will indeed lead to your Superbowl Day… it’s a day that you’ll remember a day that will always be special and a day that will alter your life in some very special most delicious way.

Enjoy today, experience and express ‘LOVE’ in every way!

Aloha Love & blessings,
Daija ext 32452

****Congrats Ann & Clay****… May you enjoy happiness and love, eternally!

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Astro Daija