Lunar Chit Chat
Greetings – Wednesday – November 4th., 2009
I am available today until 4pm., pacific ONLY. No late evening hours.
We carry over today, from yesterday, with an emotionally open, yet cleverly chatty sensitive & temperamental Gemini Moon. Whatever you want to ‘say’ to someone is relatively easy during this period, yet those of you with a ‘Gemini Moon’ or ‘Sun’ for that matter could find yourselves feeling a tad bit taken advantage of or just simply out of sorts, right now. For everyone, make sure that you practice the Golden Rule in all your communications. The Golden Rule is to treat others, in actions, words and deeds, the way you’d also desire to be treated.
Today I am going to touch on a few very important astrological terms, in all areas of interest associated with a particular discipline or industry it’s important to at least understand some of the lingo or terminology, and in astrology it’s vital to understand that your Astrological ‘Sign’ is insignificant to the planetary influences
taking place, i.e., the ebb & flow, and how the energy of each planet is affected ‘each by the other’, commonly called ‘aspects’.
An important part of understanding astrology is to be aware of how the planets interact. The planets form various angular relationships to each other, called aspects. Imagine an aspect as the blending of the influences or energy of two planets.
The sextile,, 60°, is a favorable aspect, the planets usually being in congenial signs of compatible elements. This aspect can allow the influences of the planets to work in harmony. The sextile only brings opportunity. These opportunities must be acted upon to be of use.
The square,, 90°, is traditionally regarded as unfavorable. It represents the struggle of two forces at cross-purposes. The square brings stress, denoting obstacles which can inspire growth through active & concentrated effort.
The trine,, 120°, is the most harmonious aspect. In most cases, it joins planets in congenial signs of the same element. This energy is easy. Consider it a gift. The drawback is the lack of challenge — getting benefits without effort.
The opposition,, 180°, (or
, the Lunar Eclipse), when planets are exactly opposite each other in the zodiac, denotes stress and awareness. This polarity, though tense, is not necessarily discordant, as these opposites are complementary.
The conjunction,, (or
, for a Solar Eclipse or Lunar occultation), is when two planets are in the same degree of longitude (or within orb). This aspect gives strength to the energies of the interacting planets. This aspect is either harmonious or discordant depending upon the nature of the planets involved. Conjunctions with Mars or Saturn, and sometimes with Uranus or Neptune, can be considered difficult, or challenging, especially conjunctions between these planets. More can be determined about the nature of a particular conjunction by comparing the nature of the sign in which it occurs to the natures of the planets involved. A planet strongly compatible to the sign of conjunction can dominate the energies of the other planet.~
Call me and together let’s look at your chart for the upcoming holiday season.
Enjoy your ‘hump day’ have fun!!
Blessings and love,
Daija ext 32452