Dreams, Fantasy, & Reality!


Greetings – Wednesday – November 11th., 2009
I am available today until 1pm., pacific & then again this evening
between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Interesting planetary angles and cosmic influences hover over us today leading us into believing that there is a lot for us to be thankful for, blessed with, and even perhaps challenged by. You could feel a tad bit emotionally stretched, perplexed, confused, and just not at a peaceful place where you’re able to readily recognize fantasy or fiction, from fact or reality. No worries, that changes by this evening as you enjoy the ‘reality’ of your daydreams.

Chances are there is a wild and crazy love story going on now, even if it’s only in your mind. One thing for sure, no matter how you feel this morning, chances are you find a new equation by the end of the day, leading you into something ‘new’ to experience and a new idea to ponder. Remember to ‘never say never’. You will see yourself thru the day, and without too much expectation but more open to the possibilities of how fateful the day unfolds.

There is no better bet than ‘love’. Take it …you’ll not be sorry. We never regret the things we ‘do’… but only the things that we ‘don’t do’. Take a walk into the sunset together. The walk will turn into an enchanted evening waltz into the moonlight. Hand holding and wiggling toes in the sand, or under the covers, together, is more likely than not. “Enjoy”!!

If your birthday is today, November 11th., your cosmic colour is Malaga!!
You are intuitive, inexhaustibly creative, and rather profound in your technique to manifest your true heart’s desires. Creative expression is your forte. Your close friends and family are truly important you in many ways, that may be unbeknown to them. Waste no time ‘sharing with those close to you just how important they truly are’ to you. How you feel inside has more to do with ‘how those important people in your life treat & interact with you, on a regular basis. You are close and connected in a unique way to those whom you love. To allow yourself to feel more grounded in your relationships to everything including yourself, decorate your home or office with this ‘earthy’ colour. The formula to create Malaga = Pantone 17-1723

Enjoy today, laugh a lot and know that life is ‘good’.

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija