Breakthrough Faith


Greetings – Tuesday – November 24th., 2009
I am available today until 1pm., pacific & then again this
evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific

The Pisces Moon today gives me a jolt of justice & logical understanding of the mystery of Faith. I do talk a lot about faith. And today is one of those days where the order of events unfolding takes me to my knees, where I can’t help but remember ‘faith’ (just like you, hard for me at times) when looking at how the day is unfolding. It’s so incredible how each day is made up of synchronicity & serendipity; regardless, and all in perfect timing. But Oh… if we can simply remember FAITH… we will choose to respond to the events of each day, with
Gratitude & Joy—-even if via a shed tear or two. We are all called to serve, and it is in our example of our faithfulness that we will serve others.

What is so interesting about the sequence of events that take place in a matter of a single day that leads to a week, to a month, and ultimately to a year, etc., is that we as humans are far too limited in our linear thinking & understanding to truly appreciate how all things work together to create balance and the ultimate good of the order. More often than not, we avoid accepting that as fact. Even when we ‘believe that bad’ things are happening to us or someone else, it is a fact that ‘these (what we consider) bad things’ are all part of the divine plan and equation of all things working together for the good of the order…& most definitely is God’s plan, not ours. Find your strong place to stand, and be there, & be still. Listen!

You will hear what you need to hear in order to learn what it is you are learn & do, regardless of the situation you are troubled or being challenged by, by placing your faith in ‘God’… and giving those whom you are troubled by, to God, you will suddenly feel a burden lifted, less stress, and suddenly awakened by a peaceful easy feeling of ‘knowing’. And isn’t that what we are all seeking… ‘Knowledge’?
Of course!! That is why you call me because YOU WANT TO KNOW… ‘something’
about ‘something’. We all may believe that we truly desire to know what the future holds for us, but do we really? Do you want to know when you’re going to die? We have a curiosity, of course, but if we truly ‘knew’ when that date was going to be, we would experience such stress & strife within to a point of utter chaos.

This is God’s plan, too. To give human’s curiosity, to become a seeker.  And it is to seek Him for Truth. He holds all the information, and we can discover the truth, thru Him. That is His promise to us and our gift for following ‘Him’.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
Mark 10:35-45

Have a blessed and most perfect day!
Walk by faith rather than by sight.
Truly, it’s more fun this way!

Aloha hugs & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija