Pains of Desire


Greetings – Thursday – October 15th., 2009
I am on today between 5pm & 11pm., pacific.
What & Whom do you value in your life? Your time? Effort? Energy? Your spouse, lover, best friend, children, your money? Or all that your money can buy? Two things money can’t buy. REAL Absolute LOVE & 100% Health. Sure money can buy companionship and health care, but it cannot add one single day to your life when your time is up and it cannot buy you ‘that ‘to die’ for, or better said, ‘to live for’ love that you so desperately either are holding on to, or attempting to find.

Cosmically speaking, today’s aspects with Venus (love) in it’s home of Libra, and Pluto, (deep down inner (sometimes secret) feelings) are suddenly resurrected about that special someone in our lives whom we just can’t seem to either ‘let go of’ or ‘get over’ … it’s as if thoughts of this particular person has us in a strangle hold that is actually choking us or ‘choking our potential’ to experience real love with someone new, or even … just move on and be free of the pain associated with these crazy, mixed up OH SO PAINFUL feelings in side. The words obsession and extreme heartache come to mind… and if you can just ‘hold on’ for one more day or two, I promise you that not only will you hear from ‘her/him’ but you will be offered clarity, which will give you great pain relief—–and this clarity can possibly come from the presentation of another person in your life. Make it your business today and tomorrow to shed those tears, tons of them, cry your aching heart out, OK… it’s a good thingy to purge those fears and fall prey to those tender heartfelt feelings when Pluto and Venus strut the streets together pounding your head and heart with unrequited love. Suddenly, the ‘Sun will come out’… that is a promise, and whether it is with ‘the one you love’ or someone new who is totally in love with you—–the actions that you take will be cathartic, driven and will make a difference over the course of the next several days. A surprise awaits you just after you go thru this process.

If your birthday is today, October 15th, your cosmic colour is LilacSnow!! You are most certainly the sensual one, artistic and sensitive, perhaps even a tad bit temperamental. You adore beauty and love to talk story! Just about everything that comes out of your mouth is spoken from the heart and all about love.You simply love being in love and those around you ‘love’ being near you. In life it is wise and important to you to surround yourself with those who will aid you in promoting harmony. To help you relax and feel good about yourself, what you’re doing and how you’re going about it all, decorate and accent your home and office
with this delightful colour. The formula to create Lilac Snow = Pantone 13-3405.

Enjoy this time now, and rest assured that ‘love is on it’s way’…
TO YOU TODAY…and will be there to ‘stay’!!

Blessings and love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija