A Soulful Saturday


Greetings – Saturday – October 24th., 2009
I am available today until 3pm., pacific., ONLY.
No late evening hours.

Make an emotional, truly heartfelt impact today with your words, and watch miracles occur! Everything that you ‘say’ or attempt to verbally communicate today has ‘huge impact’ and in a way that will stir the sensitivities and the vast imagination of the other party to whom you are speaking. Today, actually, since last nite at about midnite…everything you text, send in an email, or write in a letter or note to someone, will have tremendous impact and in a never before way. It’s as if our words and gestures sprout ‘wings’ having the uncanny ability such as perhaps never before to ‘reach’ that person, in a very special HIGH IMPACT way, such as never before.

Expression of love, care and kindness softens Hearts Today! Suddenly the object of our affections and attention is uniquely ‘TOUCHED’. Our hearts and minds are open. Your words, as their words to you, intensifies the emotional sentiment. Your mind travels to a place that perhaps you’ve only dreamed about going. A special ‘lovingly expressive place’ where you give and receive love. A place that fosters truth. A place where only love, real love can be experienced in a dramatic way of powerful overwhelming feelings of desire to give… to bless and receive a special ‘love’ offering and trust it. Our heart is OPEN…we are available to suddenly ‘see’…and our mind focuses on the benefit of giving and forgiving. Magically our vulnerability to this person is increased, as is theirs to us. We Understand. UNDERSTAND…a BIG word! We all desire to understand and to be understood. Today it can happen to you!

Today we are able to see the reality. We are able to see, to recognize the desperation and desire in the person who is seeking our time, effort, affections and attention—-and not be offended or fearful of them or of their intent. We see it in a pure light, a good light, we see that their intent is to ‘give’ Love. We are able to accept and cherish it all, more importantly cherish ‘them’ for who they are, as well as who they have become us. Rather than ridicule or dismiss them, we embrace ‘them’ and all they have to share.  We suddenly understand what it is that they are actually attempting to do. We hear them. We acknowledge them. We understand what this person or ‘people’ are saying to ‘us’, and our understanding allows us to exhibit compassion, kindness and absolute gentle consideration for their attempts to reach us. UNDERSTANDING!! I love that word.

The communication today between us and those who are attempting to get our attention, allows us to see ‘who they are’ and ‘where they are’, realizing that we too, (perhaps we are there now) have been there before. And we will all be there again.

If your birthday is today, October 24th, your cosmic colour is Regal Orchid!! You are magnetic, inspiring, youthful. People adore you, want you in their lives, and cannot stand being dismissed by you—-unfortunately, you do have the ability to hurt people’s feelings, but unintentionally, of course, as there is not a mean bone in your body. You are extremely passionate and loyal to those whom you love. Listen more and talk less, feel with your heart rather than your intellect. To add harmony and balance to your life, decorate your home or office with this delightful colour. The formula to create Regal Orchid = Pantone 16-3525

Enjoy your Soulful Saturday!!
Blessings and love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija