What is your Perspective?


Greetings – Thursday – Sept., 17th, 2009
Mercury squares Pluto — Communication overrides our wise judgment, creating a narrow perception. Many of truths we belong to, depend on our own point of view.Your perspective on your life situations, determines the reality of your world. Change your
perspective and you’ll change the reality of what you believe is occurring. This is not called denial, it’s called looking at the silver lining of your situation or circumstance, seeing your opportunity within
the situation to create something better.

Life has a way of throwing us curve balls, dumping stuff on us that we simply cannot deal with ‘humanly’. We were not created to deal effectively with burden ‘ALONE’. God said. that He will never leave nor forsake us. Do you believe what God promises?  Our need for absolute FAITH in something greater than ourselves, is paramount in order to walk unburdened on this Earth. Why not it be ‘our creator’? Who knows you better than ‘The One’—-your Master Creator, your designer of your original blueprint and who also created you? Does ‘He’ not know what upsets you as well as what makes you laugh with joy? Of Course!! He knows all things about you, and it is up to you to choose to buy into something bigger, better and more powerful than what you are able to do for yourself. So what do you have to lose to believe in the vast benefits of a close and personal relationship with GOD?

Friends, I love you, and there is nothing that another human being can truly do for another human being other than support them in their efforts to help themselves. As a friend & counselor I can listen, offer sound advice, & assist you in redefining your perspective so that you are able to ‘see’ something different than what you are currently seeing. But I cannot save you. Human beings cannot save one another. Which is another reason why GOD already provided your savior. And it is thru your belief in the Holy Spirit of GOD that you can ‘do’ all things —- and that means overcome all burdens in your earthly physical lives by GIVING your LIFE to Him. Our close and personal relationship to GOD, thru the Cross, will give us ‘ONE THING’ that no other relationship to anyone or anything else will ever provide, and that is ‘absolute Peace’ & ability to ‘Relax’ & know Rest in His arms, surrendering it all, TO HIM!

Refrain from lecturing your adult children. Rather, choose to love them such as God loves you. Choose to speak kindly to those whom you love, regardless. Open up your hearts and hearts will be open to you. Change your perspective on what it means to ‘LOVE’. And you will suddenly be loved in the same way. It all begins with Faith vs. Fear, removing the evil that is burdening your heart. Faith is a difficult concept to accept. And ‘FEAR’ is easy? It’s easy to think that everything is difficult, and it’s difficult to imagine that understanding and applying one word, will change your entire life. It’s time you begin to ‘Listen’ vs. ‘Talk’, grab hold your bible, and ‘Let God’ Speak to you, He stands there at the corner of your heart, waiting for you to ask Him to come into your heart, & take your life. And I promise you, that your faith will begin to kick in, because you will immediately witness a miracle in your life. Overrule the negative self talk today, the burden or guilt you feel on your heart by choosing to first forgive yourself, & then forgive others. Forgiveness fosters Love. It all began with LOVE, and it all ends in LOVE.
The greatest of all things in this life is in fact… LOVE.

I am available today, Thursday, until Noon., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

If your birthday is today, September 17th., your cosmic colour is Tobasco!! Talk about hot & spicy??
You are powerfully analytical, & discriminating. A hard worker, you go after your true heart’s desires in a way that guarantees benefit for all. You are diplomatic, and fearless when you believe in something, you know success, and your heart seeks contentment and peace. Love is inportant to you, and you are quite pragmatic about it. A devoted friend and partner, you will give to those whom you love without question. To bring about more ‘cheerfulness and personal happiness’ add this delightful colour to your wardrobe, or decorate your home and office with Tobasco! The formula to create Tobasco = Pantone 18-1536

Blessings & love to you,
Daija ext 32452

John 1
Romans 8:28
Isaiah 46:9
Nehemiah 8 & 9

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Astro Daija