Weekend Update: Full Moon Friday: Romantic Sizzle…it’s the Spice of Life!!


Weekend Update: Friday Sept. 4th., 2009
We launch this ultra fabulous up & coming first September weekend with a HUGE plump & juicy sentimentally sappy PISCES FULL MOON … OMG, gush, gush! This one will zap your emotional core, taking you to brink of joyful tears. You are feeling it, baby—-and even you guys out there are thinking, ‘hummmm, it’s not all that bad.’ We all need a little bit of Super Sap to overwhelm us every now and again bringing back to our soulfully compassionate place where real love, does indeed thrive & survive, even prevail at it’s deepest spiritual level. This FULL MOON has us sizzling in our saucy all day and into the weekend!

New love —-springs forth, a mere casual friendship is highly likely to turn into love, right now. Prepare yourself, it could take you by storm! Oh how fun is this!! And you can bet that during a full moon ‘pre-Mercury Retrograde’ weekend, the passionate storms created now, will last for a very long time, perhaps ‘forever’!! Excitement prevails during a romantic Pisces Full Moon weekend, prepare yourself for one of the most romantically passionate weekends ever——even if it’s just in the planning phase—-the momentum is there, carrying you into next week, actually the next three weeks!

I am back today and available this evening, Friday evening, between
7pm & 11pm., pacific.

Oh how I just love Full Moon Fridays! 🙂
Prepare & beware… something magical &
favorably surprising is going to happen!

If your birthday is today, September 4th., your cosmic colour is Aqua!! Of course you are the hard working analytical type and able to whip up magic as a creative writer. People gravitate toward you, they love being around you, with you and experiencing your infectious energy. You are certainly the epitome of organization. To increase balance, harmony and add a cooling calming charm to your life, decorate your home and office with this awesome colour. The formula to create Aqua = Pantone 15-4717

Have a great loving day, and romantically charged evening!

Blessings and love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija