A Mood of Fresh Change


Greetings – Saturday – September 12th., 2009
A Cancer moon today greets us with open arms. Yet, with Pluto stimulating a desire to ‘be seen & heard’ we all feel a tad bit like ‘whining’ …wah, wah, wah… Oh those wailing insecurities can just overwhelm us at times sending us into a tailspin of ‘OH Dear, what am I going to do now’?? Could it be strictly cosmic influences presenting this neediness within? What is actually going on inside that could be stimulating or provoking nagging unfriendly feelings? We want our way when we want it, and hell hath no fury for those who attempt to stand in our way, attempting to prevent us from achieving our goals.

The question to ask yourself: What is it that I am seeking? WHAT DO I  WANT? Needy people (& you know who you are) may have considerable challenges dealing with this transit. Nurturing people, however, thrive under these aspects, allowing their focus and energy to be projected on to those whom they love and desire to care for. Can both work in the positive, yes—-as well as the negative.

Remember that a Cancer Moon represents the nature/nurture ‘Mother-Child’ within.
Is our personality more like that of a ‘Mother’ or like that of a “Child”? I guarantee you that this weekend you’ll know exactly what side of the fence you’re on.

Whether you are ‘Mother’ or ‘Child’ – like – use this powerful Cancer Moon transit in a way that will allow you to modify those behaviors about yourself that you find annoying or detrimental to Happiness & Joy. By addressing yourself ‘realistically, you will ultimately see yourself in a new way—-although you may not particularly like what you see, by at least ‘seeing’ it for what it is—- you will bring yourself & your emotions back in balance, promoting healthy & progressive psychological & spiritual growth. And remember Patience my friend…Patience with yourself, with others, and especially with GOD.

I am available today, Saturday, until 3pm., pacific, ONLY!!

If your birthday is today, Sept. 12th, your cosmic colour is Meadow!!
You are a principled, hardworking, diligent and dedicated employee,
friend, lover, boss, sibling, spouse, & parent. There are few who can keep
up with you in the sense of determination in honoring your responsibilities.
You have a knack for knowing what you want, exactly, and then getting it,
without much fanfare. You simply know how to ‘ask and recognize what it
takes in making sure you get it’. You are faithful to your cause, as well as your
commitments. To enhance your ability to enjoy life with a little more freedom,
and let go of control, decorate your home and office or accent your wardrobe with this delightful colour. The formula for Meadow = Pantone – 14-6319

Enjoy your day and evening—-call me & together let’s talk about how & what you can do to best take advantage of this opportunity to modify those areas of your life that are not working favorably for you. Change is our only constant, and it’s time for a ‘Fresh Change’ in your life.

Blessings & Love,
Daija  ext 32452

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Astro Daija