Faith = CLARITY = Courage = JOY = Love…


Greetings – Saturday – August 8th., 2009
Where is your heart? Your head? Your soul? More importantly where do you want it to be, and with whom? Two words that will fray your brain, mess with your mind, trouble your heart & keep you ‘stuck’ on stupid are “Confused” & “Fear”! By choosing to use these two words, regardless how you choose to use them, will absolutely prevent you from doing anything other than remaining stuck where ever you are and with whomever you’re with—-whether right, wrong or indifferent.

So first things first, ‘remove those two words’ from your vocabulary. However, in order to remove a bad habit we must replace that very habit with a new positive habit. And that is to first think of two words that are suitable. You are going to replace the word ‘FEAR’ with ‘FAITH’… and replace the word ‘CONFUSED’ with “CLARITY”.

Faith & Clarity fosters manifested dreams & desires.

In our lives today we experience a cosmic pull leaning toward ‘Fear & Confusion’ due to the opposing conflict of light & darkness. The Uranus (surprise & change) and Pluto (transition, change, the unknown) tends to prevail today creating a stir within our consciousness. We know what we don’t want. But do we know what we really do want? The progressive questions prevail today within our psyche.

The global consciousness today & tomorrow and into this week brings us nearly to our knees on a grand scale as well as allows us to question our lives a more personal scale. How do we deal with all that is happening in our world globally, personally, professionally, romantically? Do we face our lives with Fear? Do we Remain confused about it all? Do we really care enough to change anything, or do we find security existing as robots. To what degree do we truly care? What is our roll is within the grand scheme of society, as a whole? Are we living our lives? Managing our lives? Merely existing in our lives? Do we take responsibility in & for our lives? Do we depend on someone else to create a life for us, make us happy?

These questions provoke ‘Fear’ & ‘Confusion’ when you fail to have both feet on the ground. And that takes YOU being responsible for “YOU”. It takes ‘FAITH’… to know that it’s up to you & GOD…and “CLARITY” to develop a plan of action conducive to reaching your goals, dreams and desires … “COURAGE” … to adopt a discipline that keeps you focused in a way that prevents negative forces from entering into your psyche that will ultimately impede or destroy your positive progress in developing your strategies; ultimately becoming the ruin of any well developed plan.  

There is a book that I recommend frequently, It’s a book that I find I return to frequently when I am feeling somewhat discouraged. THE OTHER 90% by Robert K. Cooper. Get it. You’ll be amazed at how your life will ‘look’ within 30 days of reading it. 🙂

I am on today, Saturday, until 4pm., pacific.

If your birthday is today, August 8th., your cosmic colour is Azalea!! You are dramatic, charismatic, clever. You have a convincing, powerful and confident nature. You are able to get to the bottom of things, clear things up and move on to your next project and venture. You’re prepared for challenges, change and willing to accept your responsibility, especially in professional matters. You rise to any occasion, you are a natural born leader. To center yourself & motivate a more spiritual approach to your life and relationships, decorate/accent your home, office and wardrobe with this beautiful cool colour! The formula for Azalea = Pantone 17-1842

Enjoy your day of pondering your life asking yourself exactly what you’re doing to create more joy, faith, clarity, courage & love in your life.

Blessings & Love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija