A Mildly Wild Wednesday


Greetings –  Wednesday –  August 26th., 2009
What a crazy Wigged OUT Wednesday! One moment we’re feeling happy & sappy, the next minute we’re feeling too fat or too thin, or too…this or that.  A tad bit crazy & sassy—we are certainly not even feelin’ too sexy for our clothes or even caring for that matter! In fact we may be diggin’ in our closet for those ‘fat jeans’ or in reverse, peering into every mirror at our saggy baggy skin, thinking… Wow!! Have I lost wt? When did I eat last? Food? What’s that?

Discombobulated, dazed and confused are the sentiments of this ‘hump-day’, with little hope of finding the right words to describe how we’re truly feeling or thinking or believing about a particular situation at hand or that we’ve become involved in. Spinning our wheels—-emotionally digging in quicksand because we just know that we are feeling a tad bit disjointed and out of sorts—-and not at all sure about what to do or even if we should ‘do’ anything at all.

It’s not just you. I get like this too. We all do. It’s called the bittersweet reality of  “HUMANITY”. It’s time to look at all this that you’re dealing with in your life and do so— square in the face and say, it’s time to take control of my life and in
all areas of my life, one area at a time, and create the best life with less stress and strife, for me. Explore compassion for yourself. Mercury and Pluto form a nice aspect each to the other today offering either the worst or best self talk, and well, by the end of the day, you will need to radically adjust your attitude—and you will.  Tweeking your self talk into a wee bit of positive feedback adjusting the volume creating a more tender mix, balancing the bulk of hump-day muck. It’s all ‘GOOD’!

I am on this evening, Wednesday, between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.
Call me and let’s turn your midweek around, creating sweet sentimental sounds of Self Love, productivity, peace, contentment, and especially JOY!

If your birthday is today, August 26th., your cosmic colour is Coral Gold!! You are loyal, tenacious, humanitarian. You are a kind and loving person, always willing to be there to help. You are responsible and you desire for people to depend on you. You adore being in control and being the boss, organizing & leading other is your forte. Take more time for yourself, personal and spiritual time. To bring about more love, opportunity and prosperity in your life decorate your home or office and wardrobe with this illuminating color. The formula for Coral Gold = Pantone 16-1337

Enjoy your evening.

Aloha Love and blessings,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija