Unconditional, Uninhibited, Unfettered & Totally Unconventional


Sunday, July 12th., 2009
Oh my …what an ultra ‘Fun’ & unconventional day with Venus & Uranus dancing an inspirational jig in your life where you can expect & anticipate such an impulsive, truly uninhibited ‘FUN & Fabulous Day’ where you’ll dance away all your fears, dismiss your challenges, & arrive at ideas and solutions that will bring about something quite magical in your life. And yes, you are ready to be seduced into fantasy, & you’ll make time today, to play!

That boy/girl next door—hey, they live there for a reason. There is no such thing as an Accidental Tourist in the neighborhood… it’s divine destiny, you’ve noticed, as same is true for her/him about you. And that you’re thinking what you’re thinking —each about the other, is indeed kismet, and it’s time to explore your options.  Take advantage of the close proximity by paying close attention and making that interesting seductive connection…it will be worth your time, effort and energy.

You are in the most seductive state of mind today as your ability to create ‘MAGIC’ is stimulated in a way that you will bring fantasy & fiction into your reality, and not merely in one area of your life but WHATEVER AREA YOU CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON. Don’t sit back and wait for things to happen, Go for it my darlings, you do know how to get what you want. To be fearful, isn’t the name of the game, today, replace FEAR with FAITH and watch how you magically bring it altogether in whatever area of your life you are focused.

Enjoy your day—-you’ll be so happy that you did. The rewards are great, experienced sooner than later and you’ll feel good about where you are, and what you’re doing and how you’re going about doing it, and with whom. Respect, kindness, consideration & a new surprise around ‘love’ & ‘finance’ is ‘right there’…waiting for you to make a move… even the slightest move, will have you enjoying the fruits of your labors, as well as perhaps a new partnership of a lifetime…guaranteeing something quite lucrative, prosperous, special, and of course, ‘HAPPY’. No short sight here… ‘long vision’.

I am available today, Sunday, until 2pm., pacific & then again this
evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Enjoy your day & evening, call me and let’s talk
about what the week ahead holds magically in store for you.

If your birthday is today, July 12th., your cosmic colour is Peach Pink!! You are most certainly delightful, entertaining, & profound in how you view your world and the world in general. People find you simply irresistible due to your insatiable charm, wit & your laughter creates a magnetism that stirs the deepest core of your being… as well as all those close to you. To enhance your sensitive intuitive spirit decorate your home, office or accent your wardrobe with this delicious calming color. The formula for Peach Pink = Pantone 15-1530

Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija