Speak to me…Not at Me!


Greetings – Wednesday – July 15th., 2009
Our body may be screaming at us to just STOP…& take a break. Yet, our minds are much more difficult to calm down. We want to talk, & to be heard when we speak, & not just our voices heard at a decibel level, but we want our message to be heard. And for that to happen, we must make our message clear, and speak in a way that will bring people close to us vs. push them away. Therefore, it is vital that we speak in a way that will attract or to persuade, vs. repel. When we choose to speak in a way that is conducive to ‘the understanding’ of the person to whom we are speaking—-then we will not only be heard, but we will be listened to and acknowledged, respected & valued, because the other person will ‘automatically’ be validated.

Now, should you come across as challenging in any way, whether verbally, intellectually, emotionally or spiritually then it is a promise that you will not get the response you’re seeking. And it won’t be due to ‘them’ but more about how you came across to them. Whether intentional or not on your part, it is going to be more about you, and your delivery than about ‘them’.

The Golden Rule is applicable here of course, but more so than the Golden Rule, it is about two things, particularly. In order to be heard, clearly, we must speak to someone in their language. And not just their cultural dialect, but we must also speak to them at their level—at their depth of comprehension of any particular subject or topic.  That is a difficult task at times to ascertain where someone ‘is’ on any given topic or subject and especially ‘love’ & ‘relationship’. How do we know how much someone truly knows about this, that or the other? How do we know where they are on a maturity level, relationally speaking, until we have shared some personal time learning about their individual comprehensive level & experiences thereof? There is only one absolute way, and that is to share dialogue with them, and share their energy, getting close and being connected with them, on a spiritual level.  But what if they are blocked… what if their energy is blocked, or they are just not ‘there’ yet?

 Astrological profiling can give us insight. into where that person is ‘esoterically’.

Understanding ‘who’ a person is and how to go about reaching them on any given topic or subject is where Astrology can offer you perhaps the greatest tool in communication—-besides actually sitting down with the other person in question and asking direct specific questions. Which of course, can be quite unnerving for some individuals as they would feel put on the spot … or worse. It’s not only ‘not fun’ but will shut someone down when put in front of an interrogation firing squad. There are ways to ask questions, and ways to ‘get’ answers that you want, or answers that you need, or answers that are ‘true’.

If you want your partner to hear you, and respond in truth, and not turn a deaf ear to you, then change your communication approach. Today’s Mercury influence will aid you in fostering this change, making it a new learned habit in a matter of the next several days to follow. So … begin today, your new modified way of communicating what you need to get across to those close to you, in their language! You’ll see it will be fun and almost magical!

In matters of the heart, or on the subject of love, romance and relationship, it is nearly impossible for men & women to communicate effectively. And this is ‘why’ men and women, when attempting to communicate on the subject of love & romance, or any topic within the subject of relationship, often times, argue or wind up fighting, ultimately hurting each other in ways that could be avoided. I can help you in this area.

Love, relationship, & romance are subject matters between men & women, or between partners, that are unique, and quite difficult to mutually ground, often times impossible, without professional intervention. Call me and let’s talk about how you are approaching your partner. Let’s turn your relationship around, enabling you to hear and be heard.

I am available today, Wednesday, until 1pm., pacific, & then again this evening between 3pm & 5pm., ONLY!!  No late, late pacific evening hours tonight.

If your birthday is today, July 15th, your cosmic colour is Moonlight Mauve!! You are ruled by the blissful moon, so curious, intelligent & impressive. You are a great coordinator of information and getting it out to the masses easily.  You are a hard worker & take your work seriously. You love giving back all that you’ve learned, you are a leader. A pioneer. To assist you in better balancing your creative energy, and keeping yourself grounded spiritually, decorate your home or office with this delightful colour. The formula for Moonlight Mauve = Pantone 16-2614

Enjoy your day and evening.
Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija