A Capi Full Moon Lunar Eclipse: Saturn leads the way to Structural Changes


Greetings – Tuesday – July 7th., 2009
Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
Feelings of being pulled in one or more directions lend quite a hand to discombobulated emotions & energy today. The need & desire for structure, discipline, and doing the ‘right thing’ takes center stage. Burdened by the Uranus pull to ‘act out’ in a sort of childish surprising, unruly way, creates minor stress. Cosmic Induced feelings to resist rules and authority, show us that there is more working in our lives than visible to the naked eye. A strong moral code, ethical practices, and a principled character enabling us to do the right thing, regardless, is needed today. You will know by nitefall what end of the spectrum you are on, personally.

Not such a bad thing, of course, it’s days like today, that keep us in check. Stressed? Well, this gives a clue as to which master, in your life, you serve. By the same token, to know what areas in your life are creating the most burden and stress for you, will show & tell you exactly those things or people or habits in your life that you need to modify, dismiss or destroy in order to live a happier, healthier, life. And it is when you know what and where the greatest challenges are, that you are much better able to either control them, or dismiss them, once and for all.

So, Ok, but you are still feeling Stressed out? Taking action will enable you to forget about focusing on the issue and the problems, but will allow you to focus on the solution, with your ‘goal’ in sight. How to do this? It’s time for Emergency Surgery, and you are going to perform your own surgery, this time.  Time to cut off and cut away those toxic tumors (people & things) in our lives that constantly eat away at our core, eroding our emotional stability. It’s now beginning today, and over the next several weeks, thru the 21st., (between the two eclipses) that we will better be able to address, cease, destroy & overcome unhealthy habits, replacing these areas with healthier more beneficial practices that will bring us more of what we want, than less. You won’t have this energy, ‘this powerful’ again this year. So whatever it is in your life you ‘desire’ to do, Do It Now, you’ve got the beautiful disciplined, ever so strong Saturn energy along with Uranus, ‘CHANGE’ sidled up to you, pushing you along to whatever it is you choose to do. So, let’s make it ‘good things’ to do in your life rather than continue those things in your life that are currently making your entire life or even just parts of it miserable. Life doesn’t have to be miserable, ‘ever’. It is what you make it, and it’s time to make it AWESOME!

I am available today, Tuesday, until 1pm., pacific &
then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

If your birthday is today, July 7th., your cosmic colour is Persian Jewel!! Oh, I love this shade of nearly pure purple! No doubt you are intelligent, seductive & sensitive. Your emotions run deep, people are able to feel close and connected to you due to your empathic nature. Your 6th sense works overtime, you are highly intuitive. You love to laugh, and you’re expressive in your communication. To Ground yourself and experience more joy in the present, enabling you to better care for yourself, emotionally, decorate your home or office. or wear Persian Jewel colored clothing & jewelry. The formula for this colour is Persian Jewel = Pantone 17-3934

Enjoy your Full Moon Lunar eclipse day, begin something new, this time you’re
going to finish it!! Call me today to see how this eclipse is positively affecting you and in what area of your life you can expect extraordinary change.

Blessings & Love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija