Let Go… Smile, & LIVE!!


Greetings – Thursday – June 11th., 2009
The Aquarius Moon let’s Uranus tickle our intuition with dazzling positive creative visualization of ‘What if’s’… & then suddenly we find ourselves living out that magical What If! No doubt you’re feeling a lighter less burdened state of mind &
being today. You’re loved & you know you are loved. Those important to you & to whom you are important, take the time to show you, & today… perhaps even shower you with love, tenderness & affection.

Smiles foster happiness in our lives. When we meet or greet someone with a smile, it’s actually automatic in how that person will ‘drop their guard’ instantly
reflecting a smile back. Human gesturing proves to be a great way to communicate our ability to be OPEN to someones advances or continued flirtation or communication. Truly it works like a charm, we see it all the time in our text & email msgs. So imagine what it will do for you ‘LIVE’. Turn on that smile, watch your life light up & surprisingly change, dramatically. You will attract attention in a way that will breed a positive outcome in your life… and not just by attracting ‘human’ attention, but by attracting powerful abundant energy & attention from our Universe of positive resources.

The flow of abundance in our lives occurs when we employ conscious ‘absolute emotional change’ to the present or to our current circumstances. Regardless your concerns in your life, your attitude has a direct affect on your life and how you go about each day of your life. Let go of aggravating emotional energy in areas of your life where you have no control—or areas where what happens is no longer your responsibility. Delegation is a great tool. Rather than attempting to try and handle everything yourself—-do what you can to pare down and delegate to a more appropriate person or professional to handle those daunting affairs in your life.

For example: Hire someone to do the tedious jobs that you need, desire or must do, but you either ‘A’ don’t have time for… or “B” don’t know how to do… or “C” don’t necessarily want to do. Handling your life & the stress and strife of getting things done in your life is about maintaining the proper flow.

And then letting go…

I am on today, Thursday, between 8am & Noon., pacific. And then again
this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific. Enjoy your day and evening…

If you were born today, June 11th., your cosmic color is (can you guess) SUNSET GOLD!!
You are rather intuitive, a perfectionist, fun & funny! You rise to any crisis or challenge with great stamina & strength. Having a best buddy to pal around with and share will warm your heart & keep you feeling connected.
The formula for this color is: Sunset Gold = Pantone = 13-0940

Blessings & love, 
Daija ext 324523

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Astro Daija