Even Broken Wings, FLY!


Greetings – Tuesday – June 9th., 2009
To ‘relax’ in life we must learn to maintain flexibility in our thinking, and especially make room in our daily plans for sudden unexpected delays, when Uranus is lurking…or during Mercury Retrograde. Well, although Merc is direct, we have a bit of that type of transit today where Uranus & Mercury are aspected in a unique pattern. Yes, Uranus is that tricky little planet who enjoys surprising us with random acts of hide & seek, & well, ‘trickery’, in just about every sense of the word. Therefore, today keep an open mind, your focus on GOD, the Light, Love & what appears to be ‘real’ & ‘normal’ to you. Doing so today will enable you to move thru this day unscathed by any upset that could occur to your normal routine. One minute you could ‘think’ with total clarity & the next you’re in a ‘VOG’… that is not a ‘typo’… I do mean ‘VOG’.

Do not mince words, speak clearly, kindly and purposefully, other wise you could send a mixed message or signal that you’ll pay much more for —- later—- than you can afford to pay or lose… and the latter is more apropos. Any discombobulated conversations today  won’t be favorable for you, so be as clear as you can, dotting “I’s” & crossing “T’s” in all your negotiations. In making decisions today, about this, that or the other, keep ORDER in mind, because this cosmic push-pull leans toward illusion & misunderstandings, garbled messages, & rambling thoughts. Not the kind of contract, verbal or otherwise that I would buy into, for sure, at least not if it is truly about an important matter or issue. Casual conversations, sure, have fun chatting, talking and giggling your afternoon away. 🙂

Partnerships today can be playful, romantically surprising, and ‘just fun’ … so go enjoy yourself with the one you love, or get yourself out there and discover a new or first love. You’ll be seen with fresh eyes, as you will also see with a renewed passionate for surprise, loving heart.

I am on today, Tuesday, between 9am & 2pm., pacific &
then again this evening between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Call me today. Talking to someone whom you trust about those ‘confusing’ or ‘bothersome areas of your life, today, can provide you with a source of inspiration to ‘take appropriate action’ … & in the right time. As you’ll open your mind & heart to explore & expand on your options. A good talk beckons you.

Oh and if you were born today, June 9th, your cosmic color is Amberlight! What a drama King or Queen you can be… but that is ok, because your flooded with sought after creativity, style, wit GRACE & charm. And did I mention that you could also be too sensitive for your own good? 🙂

The formula for Amberlight = Pantone 14-1217

Happy Decorating!

Love & Blessings to you,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija