Something New, Fabulous & Fun for you!
Greetings – Saturday – April 18th., 2009
I believe it is safe to say, that across the country ‘Spring has finally
Sprung’… Yes?? And we are all so ready. I do believe that I am not
the only weather snob to exist. I have found quite a few people whom
I’ve talked with recently who agree with me, that when it’s sunny, warm
and dry, we all tend to feel better, more optimistic and overall, our
mood is happier.
Another area of our lives that will affect our
lives positively or negatively is diet and exercise. The proper diet
and exercise, for us, individually, will enhance our mood & uplift
our spirits. This weekend is about ‘taking care’ of ourselves both
inside and out. Our temple (body) requires the proper spiritual
nourishment, physical exercise & nutritious diet to work
efficiently for us to maintain a productive, active and healthy life
and lifestyle on a day to day basis, which also enable our moods &
attitudes to remain positive, allowing us to enjoy living.
we are emotionally detached, yet mentally progressed with a delightful
Aquarius Moon. When the moon is in Aquarius, we are better able to be
detached from all that ails us in a way where we are better able to
look at our life and how we are maintaining the structure of our lives
in either a positive or negative way…and actively make the changes
necessary in the recreation or reconstruction of a new way of life,
ultimately a new way of living, that will benefit us over the long
Oh how I love the Aquarius Moon—-it’s gets us in gear
to see well into the future by what we are doing or ‘not doing’ today!
Most certainly an empowering force bestows our intellect today creating
a passion for action to ‘change’. And of course, with Venus direct as
of yesterday, we are sure to take ‘action’ and change how we go about
giving and receiving love. A new relationship that begins this weekend
will have an unusually beneficial impact on those involved more likely
than not leading to commitment.
I am on today, Saturday until 4pm., pacific, Only.
Enjoy your bright happy sunny weekend, extend and push yourself to do
something in your life different than what your usual routine dictates.
Change things up a bit…move the furniture, change the rooms that you
are in most. Begin a new exercise and diet plan, enabling you to begin
a new way of life, eventually an entirely new lifestyle, leading to
happiness & Joy, will be yours.
****And it’s guaranteed that in so doing, this weekend, that you’ll enjoy a nice surprise!
Love & Blessings, Daija ext 32452