Prayer & Prosperity


Greetings – Monday – April 20th., 2009
The Sun & Saturn can be quiet a powerful influence to reckon with.
Chances are we could be feeling the strong sentiments of overwhelming
doubt & fear today—-so put that super smile on your face, regardless of how you’re feeling—I guarantee that your day and your mood will automatically lighten, brighten and become less burdened. Without a positive outlook & a way to deal with this Moody Mad Monday you could go into a tailspin that could take you into a pit of doom and gloom that truly isn’t necessary. To begin the week with a Saturn-Sun somber tone just isn’t healthy, healing, or conducive to a productive, balanced, harmonic week ahead. And it’s up to you—-personally, to make it better, “FOR YOU”. So how do we disallow the energy of the cosmos to push & pull on us in a way that brings us down?

FEC = Faith. Effort. Commitment.
Faith + Effort + Commitment = Prosperity.
Faith in God.
Effort in application of Faith.
Commitment to Obedience in trusting GOD & leaving the consequences to Him…will ultimately guarantee our Prosperity.

Prosperity today will not be so much in what you do, but more about ‘what you believe’ and what you think about in terms of your beliefs. If you believe positively vs. negatively, then you will ultimately create positive circumstances in your life. There is a silver lining in all things. Sometimes, we can make a choice to connect or disconnect to a particular person in our life who either adds joy or diminishes joy. It’s that simple, and it is those people, places & things in our lives that we either attract or dismiss, that creates a continued harmonic balance where prosperity —within our world is an absolute.

Keep the harmonic positive balance in your life with on going meditation & prayer:

Prayer is modeled for us by Christ.
Jesus taught his followers how to pray. (Matthew 6:5-15)

Depend on the Holy Spirit to aid you in prayer. (Romans 8:26-27)

Prayer allows us to talk to God & be heard. (James 4:2-3)

Prayer enables us forgiveness & restoration. (James 5:15-16)

Prayer enables us to conquer worry & Fear, giving us peace. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Prayer will allow us greater spiritual understanding, and Maturity. (Colossians 1:9)

I am on today, Monday, until 2pm., pacific time ONLY!!

Enjoy your Monday—tomorrow is an exciting day both cosmically as well as in your reality. You’ll see… call me and together let’s talk about how your week looks for you.         

Blessings & Love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija