Mid-Week Happiness Hazards…What are yours?


Greetings – Wednesday – April 8th, 2009
What is your Mood today as we approach the Full Moon tomorrow?
Are you thinking about where your life is, what you’re doing, and where
you’re going? Do you have a clue about what is happening in your relationship—
and does your current relationship feel ‘quite right’?

Chances are you are questioning yourself & where you are in life and what you’re doing, with whom and why. Are you scared about stepping off that cliff with that special someone and the commitment you are about to make? How do you know it’s right? I call a day like today, “Humpday Happiness Hazards’. 

When in the beginning of the week we are strong in our faith after a powerful weekend, gearing up to go back to work and face the week on Monday with assertive, ready for action and bold statements of faith. Suddenly we begin to lose a bit of enthusiasm, after the first couple days, and by Tuesday evening, our momentum slows a tad, and we begin to cave to our fears of loneliness, shattered dreams of the past, weariness, longing, misdirected angers and passions that can leave us feeling needy, worthless, hopeless, and tired…of just being tired.

WELL… let’s stop this insanity right now!!

It’s Wednesday, and we’re not going to let this one mid-week-day of melancholy become a hazard to our happiness, we’re going to tackle it with Love…and that begins with loving ourselves, first and foremost. It is only when we’ve begun taking care of ourselves that we can then truly love & take care of someone else, and be able and available to be a good and viable, healthy partner in a loving give & take relationship.

But you’re thinking… HOW do I take care of myself? Who am I and what does it mean to take care of me? I’ve always cared for others, the kids, parents, friends, spouse, etc., and well, there is no time to take care of me, and plus, it’s selfish to take care of me and my needs—when others need me who are more important??

Well, ok, I hear you.

So ask yourself this one very practical question—when you’re gone, whose going to care for all of those people? When we are on a plane and taxiing away preparing for take off… we are given instructions by the flight attendant, that in the event of cabin pressure loss, we are to apply the oxygen mask TO OURSELVES FIRST and then to our children or those whom we are responsible for. There is a reason for this, and that is ‘if we are not alive, healthy and able’ by taking care, first of ourselves, then ‘WHO IS GOING TO TAKE CARE of those WHOM We are TAKING CARE OF NOW?” 

End of story!

Give me a call, let’s take a look at a couple things you can change immediately ‘right now’ mid week, to put you back on track, and feeling on top of the world, strong and powerful again!

I am on today, Wednesday, between 9am & 1pm., pacific and then again this evening, between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Enjoy your midweek day—don’t let it be a hazard to your continued happiness. Prepare for an interesting Full Moon, tomorrow… it’s a Libra Full Moon, guaranteed to activate a loving, generous, amorous mood, setting the tone to a delightful week ending!

Blessings & love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija