Experience True Peace


Thursday, April 23rd., 2009
Today’s cosmic forces are ‘quiet’ as we await the tomorrow’s (Friday) perky New Moon. The day prior a New Moon is generally filled with the previous days excitement or residual, and based on how Mars initiated so much energy yesterday—-no doubt the effects will carry over today in such an innovative, favorable life altering way.

So because today is cosmically quiet, & we had such a rigorous active day yesterday, take time to meditate and pray your worries & fears away today. I know that oftentimes the world appears to be a very scary place. And due to how things appear in the world right now, & how the media keeps us all up in arms—-plus the fact of us being constantly busy with everyday life, family, friends, stress & strife, that it can be difficult to find the time to actually stop worrying things & truly tune into GOD.

Take time today to be in ‘relationship’ or ‘fellowship’ with Him. Worry, fret & fear are totally unproductive emotions. I consider it to be the ‘advanced interest’ we pay on troubles that rarely “if ever” actually come. The best antidote for worry—is active prayer. God desires to be the first one whom we come to in worry, crisis & fear. And if we do the the following four things, God promises us a very special blessing.

If you’ve been gripped by worry or fear, please read the following and watch how suddenly ‘God’ will take your burden from you, restoring your peace & good cheer.

Read Philippians 4:6-7
1. Stop worrying & start praying…God can handle your burden, if you could handle your burden you would not be worried. Give it to God & be done with it.

2. Tell God your needs.Of course God knows your needs, but He desires you to verbalize your needs, wants, desires, and burdens to Him.

3. Present your request to God with Gratitude. Never pray in doubt. Pray with belief that God will answer your prayers. Remember that He will do so, because that is His promise to us.

4. Receive God’s Peace…it is your release & relief. It is God’s promise (verse 7) that once you have done these four things, that you will experience God’s peace over your situation. Truly God’s peace will literally surround your heart, mind & soul to keep & protect you during these times of difficulty, pain & suffering in your life.

I am on today, Thursday, from 9am until 2pm., pacific &
then again this evening, between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Blessings & Love & Peace in God’s Word…
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija