Breaking the Chains that Bind & Blind Us


Greetings – Monday, April 6th, 2009

We open this week with a intellectual Mercury speaking loudly to us from several directions and in a variety of languages. The key to hearing the ‘right message’ for you is to clear your mind of any preconceived notions of whether a situation will go this way or that way—-but maintain a neutral emotional position while going thru the operations of daily living.

The Chiron (healer) influence, today, allows you to  experience healing communications seasoned with compassion, filled with intuitive insights. The Libra Full Moon mid week, brings about an opportunity to balance the past with the present, creating a ‘new future’ that you’ll enjoy so much more than you’ve possibly considered.

Making a transition from point “A” to point “B” can be unnerving, rattling, and simply cause us great discomfort. We can only see the potential negative when we feel that changes are forced upon us. When we are forced to make a change —whether mentally or physically our natural human instinct is to ‘fight’ or ‘flight’…to put up a wall of unacceptance, or to escape to what we believe is a better place. We behave this way because in the midst of our detrimental emotions in dealing with FORCED CHANGE—-we are unable to see clearly the opportunities that we are afforded by these ‘what may seem like’ forced changes or transitions in our lives.

Change is growth. And it’s always so much better when we plan to make the changes vs. those changes that pop up that we must find a way to cope with. The world moves and we as a human being must move with it, vs. against it. Hense, to be on the fence, or to keep things same, attempting to make a perfect little world that isn’t even close to what you truly desire, is choosing to live like a time bomb ticking away. In truth, this sort of living is in denial of living authentically, the life you are to live.

When we live in a bubble that we create that is not conducive to what we truly desire, then eventually the bubble will pop! And suddenly the walls of Jericho will come tumbling down and you’re sitting there without a plan, but experiencing a huge Pity Party. Stop right now, and look at your life. What are you doing that creates this picture above. Ask yourself if you are living authentically or if you are living in a life that you created by choosing to live in denial of what truly is going on. It’s time to make a decision NOW, and opt to make changes prior to them being or feeling forced on you.

Make it your decision today to change the things in your life that you want and desire to change. And those things that you cannot change then ‘choose to accept’… but make sure that you do know the difference. Watch how your life suddenly becomes lighter, less burdensome, and alive as you break free from self imposed restrictions that because a fantasy prison—you are not bound, you truly are FREE.

I am on today, Monday, between 9am & 1pm., pacific & then again this evening,
between 7pm & 10pm., pacific. 

Call me today and let’s break those chains that bind you.

Love & blessings,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija