A Good Friday: Remembering In the Spirit of Love…


Greetings – Good Friday – April 10th., 2009
My Good Friday prayer nestled among the goodies in my grassy Easter Basket
is to love others as Christ loves us…’His Church’—and as God loves all His Creations. No sacrifice necessary, He did that for us already — God sacrificed His only begotten Son (himself incarnate as a human being) enabling us to have the great gift of the Holy Spirit indwell within us, as our helper, mentor, guide, & protector, as we exist & walk the earth in our physical form of humanity.

God’s great GIFT of the Holy Spirit, thru the human blood of Jesus Christ, is truly why we celebrate the Resurrection. The resurrection of Christ provides this great spiritual gift allowing us the ability to ‘FORGIVE OURSELVES & OTHERS’ such as God forgives us; He is our Creator, Our Holy Father in heaven. This weekend and throughout the year, give unto others as you would have them give unto you. Challenge yourself to show more understanding to those whom you work, play and live with. Practice kindness, patience and tolerance with those less fortunate than yourself by sharing a kind uplifting encouraging word, or helping hand in some special pertinent way ‘helpful to them’ that will allow them to ‘see God in you’ as you love them spiritually.

A true heart combined with a giving spirit will generate ‘love’. It will enlighten you, motivate you, and also uplift and encourage your own spirit with Love. The act of giving is truly better than receiving, as it all comes back to you 100 fold, plus.

This weekend is filled with colourful Easter decor, woven baskets of mixed greens, yellows, pinks & purples, foil papered chocolates, and wildly decorated Easter Eggs that your children and grandchildren will spend hours running about & hunting.  Enjoy your Spiritual weekend with a loving giving spirit, and receive your gifts of love with an open heart filled with Joy!

I am on today, Friday, between 9am & 1pm., pacific & then again this Good Friday evening, between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.

Watch the Easter Sunday Morning Sunrise—it will change your life, miraculously.

Blessings & love,

Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija