What is the Love in your Life?


Greetings – Tuesday – March 31st., 2009
Let the good times roll… off your tongue today in story telling, weaving intellectual fantasy into written fiction. Where jargony explosions leap from the hearts & heads of writers, storytellers, poets, and song writers, gathering as an emotional constellation of information under the Gemini Moon, ready to share and present to others their deepest musings.

Is there any doubt that love is at the heart of all that truly matters? It is what we are all seeking, hoping to find, and shall we never give up—we are guaranteed to find it, see it, feel it, know it and live it, fully. How do we manifest love in our lives?

For each of us it is different—some of us seek love in a partner, or a relationship with another human being. Some of us seek love thru our craft, our work, our cause, our family, and for some we seek love in the spiritual sense by living in the realm of recognizing a constant ‘love’ –God’s Love, surrounding us. By simply being in the moment and One with God and His universe—-we exist as Pure Love.

Today you’ll experience love, where Mercury & the Moon interact, Love is compounded via the messages we receive & deliver, whether esoteric, divine, internal, spiritual, or verbal—the message today is all about Love.

What do you love? What does love mean to you? And how do you choose to express love in your life?

By this evening, you will enjoy a loving experience that will be life shattering, love encompassing, and quite nurturing, that could change your life, experience a blessing, today.

I am on this evening, between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Give me a call and let’s talk about love & romance…the
love and romance in your life.

Love and Blessings,
Daija ext. 32452

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Astro Daija