Thursday, March 19th, 2009 How do you handle Adversity?


Be the Director of your Movie…for the rest of your life!
Gearing up for tomorrow’s Spring Equinox, Sun moving into Aries event, we have open skies, and a lull in the cosmos today. But this doesn’t mean that there isn’t any action going on. In fact to the contrary. It’s sort of like the calm before the storm. Yet, the storm isn’t going to produce negative effects, but absolute change and in a good way. There is guaranteed ‘release’ of pressure or burden coming your way, and in the most pertinent place of your life, where you need it most. 

Are you the director of your movie? Or do you allow other people or circumstances to direct your movie, or ‘your life’? Do you allow external forces to cause you to have a good or bad day? Chances are you may desire to go around believing that you are in control, and may even present an attitude of confidence, allowing you to believe that you are in control. Yet, the litmus test is adversity. Truly, the truth comes out, when the chips fall—and suddenly you fall too… rather than looking at the opportunity or solution within your circumstances.

Time to put on that armor of strength & courage to face whatever it is that may pop up and attempt to knock you down. But what is this armor? The armor is FAITH, absolute FAITH, and you achieve this unwavering FAITH via your close & personal relationship with GOD.

How do you know whether or not you are ‘in control’ of your emotions regarding your life or not? One sure way of recognizing where you are on the emotional scale, is to look at at how you deal with adversity in your daily life. When things go awry, how do you deal with them? Do you get up and brush yourself off, seeking the silver lining or opportunities or solutions? Or do you have a complete change in attitude that takes you down a path of continued destruction?

If you are allowing yourself to be controlled by your environment, good, bad or otherwise, rather than taking control and responsibility for your life & lifestyle—then we need to talk, immediately. There are a combination of things going on, and I will show you how to deal with these areas of your life effectively, positively and beneficially, enabling you to change course and direction creating benefit vs. detriment. Life is not a walk thru the Lily fields. It is a mixture of good, bad, pretty and ugly. But you don’t have to get “STUCK” on the bad and ugly. You truly can achieve great happiness, contentment, ultimately experiencing a less burdensome life. I will show you how, and it’s simple, and it’s long lasting, and will carry you thru your trials and tribulations, allowing you to live above your circumstances, and experince JOY again in your life.

We all have both good and bad days—that is an absolute. But you can have far more better days, than bad, depending on how you choose to ‘see’ what is happening in your life or current situation or circumstance.

I am on today, Thursday, between 9am & 1pm., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Enjoy your day and evening—-and remember to LAUGH,
and make it a point to do so frequently, especially at yourself.

Blessings & Love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija