Sunday, March 8th, 2009 Silence is Golden


In my practice I have heard this many times: “I’ve been praying and praying but it’s not working…God isn’t hearing me!” We must remember that God is not a GOD ON DEMAND!

God is beyond being human, He is not going to deal with or respond to us in OUR WAY, or the way that we humans want him to do so. Yet, He promises us that He does respond to us in His time, and on His terms. And we can count on this, and albeit difficult YES… but we must trust Him when we are unable to ‘see what God is doing in our lives clearly’.

It is His promise to us, His Children that HE will deal with us and our issues and prayers in His way. In His time. And it is up to us to KEEP TALKING to HIM & to KEEP PRAYING. Because HE is GOD–And we are not–He will never let us down, and He will eventually answer you. That is an absolute. But you must not ‘give up or give in’ yet, be obedient with your prayer, meditation, and questions, GOD hears you and will answer you in His TIME. Not yours. And His not answering you when YOU want Him to do so is actually a sign of His Goodness to you.

Which is why We need Him, and can depend on Him. His desires for us is not our desires for us. We must get used to this idea and concept of submission to God. And for one reason because He desires an intimate and personal relationship with us in His way and in His time. Therefore, we must respect the right of GOD to be silent when He choose s to be silent, and we are more than welcome to
“ASK HIM WHY” He is being silent in our lives.

And never let anyone tell you that you cannot ‘question GOD’…in fact,
HE DESIRES for us to QUESTION HIM… because ‘questions build a personal relationship with Him. And you can count on the answers and hearing HIS voice in His Word. And where is HIS WORD found… in the Bible. One of the greatest things you can pray for in your life is Wisdom & Discernment in your life.

Don’t quit. Don’t give up. Never throw in the towel. Rather stay focused on what your heart truly desires… and your dreams will come true, if they are ‘good’ for you! 🙂

If you will practice silence before Him… meaning go to GOD sometimes in silence, not asking for anything but simply offering gratitude. Suddenly all your worries, anxieties and burdens will suddenly be released.
That is our promise — and truly beyond our human comprehension. And that truly is “SUPERNATURAL”… in fact it is our greatest Supernatural Blessing in our lives.

Enjoy your day today. Meditate on God’s Word, you will enjoy and experience a miracle in your life,

I am on today, Sunday, between 9am & 1pm., pacific., & then again this
 evening between 6pm & 9pm., pacific.

Talk with you soon! Blessings & Love, Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija