Monday, March 16th 2009 Uncharted Waters


Greetings – Monday – March 16th, 2009
Marvelous Monday is filled with hope as we launch a Sag Moon — it’s about freeing oneself of extraneous burden that truly doesn’t matter to a hill of beans. Unless of course, you are a bean counter, then everything matters. ; )

Today push yourself mentally to see into the future. Where you are now, today, is not the barometer for where you are headed. Nor is it a straight line leading to the path you are taking or even remotely where you are going. Now, that most certainly is a scary thought—that you are headed into the Unknown…and what you cling to, will be your saving grace. So, define exactly what that is. What is it in your life that you cling to? Then ask yourself this one very important question… is what you are clinging to, stable enough to sink your teeth into, and trust whatever it is, with your life?

Again, positive attitudes, along with creating a detailed win-win solution will generate what is needed for your security—add a dash of FAITH in there that you are ‘where you are now’ and that is not the worst place in the world, or is it? And then ask yourself how did you get ‘here’? Your answer will tell you a lot about your pattern of evolution. And it will tell you whether or not, where you are headed is to a similar place, to that of where you are currently, or moving into something so much more grandiose, stable and secure.

If it is the latter, then you will know that you’ve significantly grown, matured, and found the wisdom that you need in order to get from point A to point B, and without creating a lot of drama in your life. And it speaks volumes to you about whether you’ve done this dramatically, or whether you’ve done so with quiet direct movement and transition, creating ‘graceful growth and transitions’ in every area of your life.

Whatever it is that you are doing today—is a direct reflection of where you’ve been and whom you’ve become. Identify this person within, and your world will suddenly look quite different, better and appealing, adventurous and you’ll become excited —perhaps eager, about the future, and moving into the UNKNOWN… or as I prefer to call it, the ‘Twilight Zone!

I am on today, Monday, between 9am & 4pm., pacific time, ONLY.
                                NO LATE EVENING HOURS

Enjoy a blessed day!
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija