Making the Break, Letting GO… and Moving On


Greetings – Tuesday – March 24th., 2009
Have you been thinking about ending a friendship, leaving a job or company, or possibly moving on from a questionable romantic relationship? Or perhaps just distancing yourself from someone or from a group of people whom you just don’t think you fit in with. Chances are you will gather the courage to accomplish your task today. Just like with all days, no two days are alike, and suddenly today you are finally there, in the right mood, and mindset (due to the cosmic forces at work in our universe) to make a “what could be seen as a sudden decision to exit”—- and that in and of itself is not a bad or negative choice or decision to make—-when in fact, you know it is truly what you want and it is the ‘right’ thing to do for you & for your given circumstance &/or situation.

Just like in making all choices there is good and a ‘better’ way to make these decisions that will bring goodness to those involved, by releasing, or exiting in a kind, compassionate, respectful & gentle manner—for yourself included, of course. 

If you are at a loss for words, yet, know in your heart that you must ‘let go’ of & move on from whatever it is that you need or desire or choose to let go of… then give me a call and together we’ll talk about it. I will offer you suggestions that are ‘right for you’ and your situation that will encourage & validate you in knowing that your decision is the right & most wise decision for you. In most cases making the decision is not the tough part, it’s in actually doing the work that involves making the transition that is the toughest part, no doubt. The ‘saying Good bye’… and moving on.

Making the break isn’t an easy thing to do… yet, more oftentimes than not, it is the most wise thing to do, and sooner the better as to avoid leading people on, and or simply delaying the inevitable. We do not help others by leading them on allowing them to think or believe that something “IS” when in all actuality We know for a fact, that it “IS NOT”—-and of course doing what you must, as in making the decision that is most wise and right for you—will decrease the possibility of denial on your part. Which can happen so easily by allowing yourself to remain in a situation
longer than you should. Denial sets in when we begin to believe that where we are ‘even though it’s wrong’ and unhappy for us, begins to feel OK by virtue of us creating excuses to remain where we are. 

I can help you make the exit… ‘let’s talk about your circumstances’ together.

I am on today, Tuesday, between 9am &
1pm., pacific & then again this evening,
between 6pm & 9pm., pacific.

Enjoy your day!

Blessings, Daija ext. 32452

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Astro Daija