Being True to Yourself — Living Authentically


Greetings – Sunday – March 22nd, 2009
How do you make decisions in your life? Think about this as your day progresses.
As you consider this question, you will more likely than not, find that many, perhaps most all of your decisions are based primarily on ‘what others think’ you should or shouldn’t do—rather than what you truly believe is right & just for you.

And this pattern of thought is not limited to ideas or concepts, but this ‘type of thinking’ can filter down into our lives on a very personal level, and in every area of our lives.  You could be allowing this type of thinking to affect you in how you choose to live, or what you choose to buy, or how you choose to behave, and even what you choose to believe! To simplify this notion, your thought process regarding how others will ‘view you’ could be so prevalent in your life that you allow it to govern what you drive, where you live and what you wear!

Today I want you to think about how ‘your choices’ have been influenced by others. Have you ever considered that perhaps you choose to drive a BMW or a Chevy it is for the simple reason that you happen to ‘like that particular make’ of vehicle—regardless of what class of society you choose or are forced (by circumstances) to be associated with.

You can be an hourly wage earner driving a BMW or a CEO driving a Chevy—and chances are you will think in the back of your mind, what message am I sending to those in my social circle? Will my friends and family think I can’t afford to drive better if I drive a Chevy? Or if I buy a BMW will my friends and family believe that  I’ve suddenly become aristocratic?

These two examples above are just two of hundreds that exist in how we choose to make daily decisions and choices about how we live, whom we love, whom we befriend, how we deal with our family and children, and our spouse, as well as what we buy and how we express ourselves materially, emotionally and spiritually to society.  Whereas the real question we need to ask is ‘what do we believe to be true about ourselves’ and are we living honestly and honoring our authentic selves? In other words, how do we see ourselves? Chances are you will find that you are your own worst enemy in how you see or view yourself.

These two simple examples above help us recognize on a whole how we tend to worry about how others will view us ‘on either side of the fence’ pertaining to our personal preferences, decisions and choices. Where as what this equates to actually is personal preference & character within and of oneself. Truly, if we were to be authentic and honest, what we choose to do or not to do should be soley BASED on a matter of personal preference and convictions over our personal preferences based on what we believe is true for us, only—-and not about what anyone else believes. The key here is to make sure that your choices and decisions are wise and in alignment with GOD’s will for your life. Yet, in many cases on the material plane—that we choose one item vs another as in the type of house we buy or the car we drive— basing it on how others will see us, and what others will think. Whether good or bad. 

Hence, a lot of what we decide to do or not to do is based on what a particular society or culture we choose to live within &/or around & how we have been influenced. So today take time to reevaluate your choices and decisions.  It’s time to let go of this ‘strangle hold’ that others have on us. Today make it your decision to choose to live authentically, honestly, choosing a life and lifestyle that is right for you, regardless of what the rest of the world or the society that which you live, is doing. Make this decision today, and watch the miracles that will suddenly be blessed upon you. Your spirit will become enlightened because you will be living being TRUE to YOURSELF.

I am on today,Sunday, until 2pm., pacific  and
then again this evening between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Enjoy your day and evening… Call me and let’s talk about You & the decisions that are Right for Your Life!!

Blessings and love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija