A Virgo Full Moon — Significant Changes in our World


Tuesday – March 10th, 2009,
The most significant Full Moon of 2009

                 Today we are sure to find ourselves enraptured by a VIRGO Full Moon, enabling change in our lives and lifestyle. This is the most important full moon in 2009 due to how the energy associated with today’s full moon, will amplify the on going opposition between Saturn (structure) & Uranus (surprise & change). Think government and business on a global level. And personally, think ego & relationships.

      Using Astrology as a tool, we are able to return to the cosmic patterns of cosmic repetition, associated with events. The most recent times during the 20th century that Saturn & Uranus opposed each other was in 1966-67 – 1918-20. Take a walk down memory lane and google these years, and you’ll learn how significant progress was made in our lives by experiencing the major social, political, and economic changes.

Let’s bring it closer to home today, into our personal lives. How are we going to allow ourselves to be affected? With each moment of our lives we have choices that we create and decisions that we will make about these choices. Do we allow ‘love’ in our hearts and lives, or do we run away or sabotage our relationships in fear? Do we make a choice to stand for what we believe in, or do we cave to what we know in our hearts isn’t right for us?

Remember that absolute power, demands nothing.
Our Faith is our pilgrimage with GOD.
God ‘allows’ everything in this world. He does not Control us.
If He controlled us, then we would not be free to choose.
We are free to choose obedience & righteousness, or fear & failure.

God allows both good & evil to exist. Enabling us a choice to to ‘His Way’ over the ways of the World. Remember in this world we experience both good & bad, positive & negative — based on the choices we create & the decisions we make about those choices.

Truly it is that simple. Make your choice today —  a choice that is morally, & spiritually right for you. Remembering to never, ever compromise your morals values & principles, for anyone, or anything. regardless. And your promise will be in experiencing the favorable changes that take place in your life, vs. unfavorable.~

I am on today between 9am & Noon., pacific, & then again this evening, between 7pm & 9pm., pacific.

Look up at the gorgeous moon, do you see the man in the moon? I’ll bet that man is ‘God’. ~

Blessings & Love,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija