A Lucky Friday the 13th… It’s a Boomerang Day in a BIG way!


FRIDAY – March 13th, 2009
A STELLAR DAY in the Cosmos… and it’s LUCKY!!
A Great Blessing is yours today…

Today you’ll find yourself feeling a tad bit randy, ‘wooley’ just itchin’ and ready to let your hair down and go have some fun! You deserve it, you’ve worked hard this week, so go on, grab your partner and some friends and head out for an afternoon & evening of entertainment. Shake your booty a bit to the rhythm of some R&B, Jazzz, and of course good ol’Rock & Roll! You’ll have fun, release some stress and you’ll get some much needed exercise that you enjoy too.

This weekend, you’ll find yourself enchanted with the idea of love. When we ‘feel’ love, we also project love. And the law of attraction is clear— we receive what we project—yet not necessarily from those whom we project to, individually.

This can be a difficult concept to understand—clearly it is about an overall attitude of giving & receiving, linked with the providential laws of God, ‘The Golden Rule’; also connected to the laws of physics, ‘What goes around comes around’…and what goes up must come down. It is a natural process of ALL THAT IS. So, make sure that even when you don’t get back what you give to a specific person—that you keep the positive flow going, because eventually and sooner than later you will get it all back, and in double what you projected, plus!

The message here is clear. If you project and give goodness, love & kindness —that is what will be returned in abundance. If you project and give negativity, hatred, & a mean spirit, then that is what will be returned in abundance.

Which do you choose to receive? Your answer is the key to your overall solution for a happier life and healthier relationships. GIVE what you want in return. Period.

I am on today, Friday, between 9am & 1pm., pacific & then again this evening between 7pm. & 9pm., pacific.

Give me a call and let’s talk about how this fun, fortunate and festive Friday the 13th is coming along for you—-the weekend holds much surprise! Be ready because your lucky break comes about suddenly and you must be prepared to just say YES!! When you do you’ll see your opportunities magically open up right there before you. 🙂

Blessings and love to you,
Daija ext 32452

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Astro Daija