Today… Questions to be Answered


Greetings!! Thursday, Nov 20th, 2008
As we prepare for the weekend, and the final trine of Jupiter (expansion) & Saturn (commitment & structure) in placements that began in March 2007 —  we are tuned into our closest more dear relationship, and what’s going on within the dynamic of this relationship, and where is it going?

We begin to think about that special someone whose been on our minds, in our hearts and literally taking up a lot of room in our consciousness —in either a positive or negative way. We consider the upcoming weekend, and another week gone by and what has been accomplished and/or what is or isn’t yet planned or on schedule with our special someone, and or if & when s/he is going to write, call or even contact us again!
The age old quite familiar question …
‘Am I going to ever hear from her/him again??’
Your question does desire to be answered.

Today we spend time in deep contemplation, asking ourselves, Why does s/he do this, that or the other… or how can s/he do this that or the other. That is more likely your question of today. Today is intellectually driven and physically stimulated to ‘seek’ and to ‘ponder’ attempting to figure out what is going on, or going down, as we often say with that special someone in our lives. We can thank our ‘lucky stars’ that today there are ‘no major’ aspects going on cosmically, which will allow us this deep thought, without feeling negative, but more about finding the solution. We do have ‘carry over’ from Wednesday, and preparation for Friday, and the weekend.

Today using your intellectual finesse in all your efforts will truly bring you much gain —seek the answers to your questions by tapping into your intuition, and give me a call — we’ll figure this out together, putting a new perspective on areas in your life or things that perhaps you’re unable to see clearly, because you are emotionally ‘too’ close to your situation, unable to be truly objective.

I am on today, Thursday between 9am & 1pm., pacific, & then again this evening between 7pm & 10pm., pacific.                 
Be safe & enjoy your day…
Daija ext. 32452

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Astro Daija