The Sun Saunters into Virgo Friday Aug 22nd


As we saunter into Virgo, on Friday, August 22nd, suddenly we are more disciplined, more aware of our surroundings, and more alert to details. We can get more done yet… are we spinning our wheels in the wrong direction? What truly matters to us? Perfectionism or Excellence? Balance is important as we move through this time.

“There is a constant dynamic tension in our lives between what our minds tell us, and what we feel in our hearts.”

In astrology, Virgo is considered a “feminine”, introverted sign which brings good attention to details. It is also considered an earth sign and ruled by the planet Mercury (Communication). So, you may find yourself talking about the details of your career, and your romance — but are they the right details? One clue from the mythology of Virgo, is that in Greek history, it was thought that Virgo was actually the virgin daughter of Zeus and Themis — Astraea… the goddess of justice. This is a key for your focus on details at this time — look for what is right — just — as you work things out.

Midweek, the Moon is also very active working well with Chron (Healing), but in opposition with Saturn (Practicality), and Mercury (Communication). Remember that it is the Sun (Personality) that prefers the details now, not necessarily your emotional self (the Moon). There is a constant dynamic tension in our lives between what our minds tell us, and what we feel in our hearts. Sometimes these two ways to focus are in harmony, but on Wednesday (two days prior to the Sun entering the detail focus of Virgo), you may find yourself feeling frustrated with the “small print.” Take a break for an hour or so. Think about what’s really important in the bigger picture, then return (to a work project, or a discussion with a loved one) and find the right details to support what is the right course of action.~

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Astro Daija